Chapter 19 ○ The Gray Side Of The Force

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It had been just over a year since Anakin and Tally had joined their friends on Naboo. Jar Jar Binks would visit them every once in a while since he was allowed back into his village.

Tally knew it was time to tell her friends about the Gray Side. When Ben was asleep, she asked everyone to meet her in the common room.

"What's so important that you needed to interrupt my training?" Anakin spoke first.

Tally tried to hide her smile, "Shut up!" She snarled. Then her face turned serious, "Ever since I was a young Padawan I have known that I didn't belong with the Jedi of the Light Side."

The faces of her friends grew worried around her. Would Tally join the Dark Side and become a powerful Sith?

Tally sensed the fear of her friends and spoke again, "Not to the Dark Side, but what I call a Gray Side. A balance in the Force. Where there isn't an overpowering push to do all good. Or to be sinister. I want to form the Gray Jedi. With you. Will you join me in my quest for balance?"

Obi Wan looked at Anakin. Then to Tally studying the two Jedi.

"What's wrong Obi Wan?" Vera sensed a realization in her husband.

Obi Wan took a deep breath that seemed to calm himself, then he spoke, "When my Master Qui-Gon and I found Anakin on Tatooine, he knew that the Force Sensitive child we found was special. He thought that Anakin was the Chosen One from the prophecy. A Force Sensitive being that would bring a balance to the Force. I'm in. For my Master. So is Anakin." Denying Anakin of a choice.

Even though Anakin hated his Master making his decisions since he was an adult, he agreed with Obi Wan. But his Master had never told him about the prophecy. Anakin only remembered a little bit about Qui-Gon. He knew that Obi Wan's Master believed in Anakin. But he didn't know that he thought Anakin was worthy of being the Chosen One. So knowing what Obi Wan was right, he nodded agreeing to be apart of the Jedi.

"I guess that just leaves me to choose," Vera said. "I will join on one condition."

"What's that?" Tally was sure that any demand Vera was to make was going to be reasonable.

Vera looked at Obi Wan. Then towards the ceiling where Ben's room was. Lastly, she looked at Tally, dead in the eyes, "Attachments are allowed. I want to be allowed to love my husband and son."

Tally was baffled that Vera would even ask that. Of course, they could have attachments. "Vera I would never deny you of loving anyone. Of course, we can have attachments." A rush of relief went over Vera's face and Tally was thankful for that. "Any other demands?" Tally skimmed over the faces of her friends.

"I have one." Anakin said with a mischievous smirk on his face.

Tally rolled her eyes. Almost everything that came out of that boy's mouth was ridiculous. "What's that?" She teased him with a mocking voice.

"You have to go out for dinner with me. Or I leave the Gray Side." Even though he was joking, he still needed to spend time with his girlfriend.

"I'd love to." Tally smiled. "So are we the Gray Jedi?" Tally surveyed the faces around her.

The group nodded and went to making rules for the Gray Side of the Force.


Tally put on her Jedi robes for her date. Anakin told that they were going on an adventure so she made sure she put on her robes. She missed the Jedi. But hopefully with the Gray Side that would subside.

She touched her door handle, ready to meet Anakin but she felt a disturbance in the Force something was wrong. She passed out. Not able to bear this pressure that the Force was putting on her at this moment.


Anakin was ready to take Tally on an adventure. He had an amazing night planned for the two. He was sitting in the front hall of the house when he felt a disturbance in the Force.

He closed his eyes trying to meditate on what was happening when he heard a crash from his and Tally's room.

"Tally!" He screamed, then rushed upstairs.

Obi Wan and Vera felt it too. From three directions, they made it to Tally's room and saw her passed out on the floor. Anakin picked Tally up and placed her on their bed. "Good." Anakin thought, "She's still breathing."

"Ani." Tally squinted her eyes as she briefly regained consciousness.

"It's okay." He said in a compassionate voice, "Go to sleep, my love."

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