Chapter 17 ○ The Wrath Of Jar Jar Binks

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The first few months together on Naboo went by just the same. The mornings would start off with the first Jedi awake making everyone breakfast.

Everyone had a signature meal. Vera made smoothies. Tally, oatmeal. Obi Wan was omelets and Anakin went with the simple route of whatever mush they purchased at the vendor mixed with fruit to make it taste a little bit better.

Then everyone would go their separate ways and meditate. Usually when that was finished, Ben woke up from his slumber.

The women played with Ben while the men who were like brothers chat or practiced Jedi tricks. Tally would usually join in if they started training and if Ben was down for a nap, so would Vera.

They typically then had lunch and went outside for a walk with their droid companions C-3PO and R2-D2. Returned and cleansed themselves, had dinner and went to sleep.

The walks could sometimes be an adventure. Especially today. The four were pumped up from an amazing Light Saber duel.

Ben was I'm a carrier strapped on Obi Wan's back. They walked to a lake they found, about an hour walk from the house and saw a Gungan.

It wasn't an unusual sight. The Gungan species was a common sight in Naboo. But this particular Gungan was running towards them.

"Mesa glad yousa here!" The Gungan exclaimed, "Mesa Jar Jar Binks. Mesa need help!"

Obi spoke first. He was the most level-headed of the bunch. "I'm Obi Wan. What do you need help with?" He asked.

"Mesa has been banned from mesa home. It isa destroyed. Mesa has caused lotsa trouble. Mesa can't go back." Jar Jar said.

Obi Wan invited Jar Jar to their home. He missed helping people.

On the way back Jar Jar looked at Ben. "Yousa bite?" He asked.

Vera looked nervous. The clumsy Gungan was so close to her baby. "No, he doesn't." She said, "Do you want to come over here?" Vera hoped to move him away from Ben.

"Yousa isa my friend!" Jar Jar was ecstatic. He rushed over to Vera, in hope to give her a hug, but he tripped just before he reached Vera knocking her down.

Vera was caught off guard. Her face turned red in embarrassment. Obi Wan gave her a look that meant stay calm. That look always worked.

Vera looked at Jar Jar and said,"I don't do hugs..." With a perfectly straight face. Obi Wan shot her another look, this time more demanding. Vera knew he wanted her to change her expression. She quickly put a fake smile on her face.

Jar Jar was disappointed, but he understood.

They continued the walk back, learning more about their companion. Apparently, he was thrown out of his village for being too clumsy and causing chaos. He never meant to hurt anyone, but he still ended up doing so anyway.

He was a good soul, but he was a little clumsy. The group didn't mind it. They needed to laugh. On the way back, Jar Jar saw a bug on the ground. He reached down to pick it up but reached too far and his face fell right into a large mud puddle.

Everyone had a good laugh. Including Binks. He was glad to cause laughter rather than yelling. He enjoyed the people he was with.

Jar Jar touched the gold droid because he wanted to initiate a conversation, "Mister Binks please do not touch me. You are going to get us all killed." Threepio said.

"Threepio, lose up. Jar Jar is a friend." Anakin told the droid he made when he was a little boy on Tatooine.

"That is what scares me Master Anakin." The droid said.

R2-D2 beeped, communicating to his fellow droid.

"I know Artoo, but Master Anakin said that Jar Jar Binks is a friend." Threepio said.

Artoo let out what sounded like a disappointed beep.

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