Chapter 3 ○ Attachments Are Forbidden

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2 years ago

Tally was headed back towards her room from a long day of training. Her blond hair was flowing behind her. Her blue eyes glistened with the hope of a nap. This human Jedi could sleep for days.

"Wait!" called a young Anakin as he chased Tally, "I need to tell you something!"

Tally stopped in her footprints waiting for the young Padawan to catch up. They continued to Tally's room to get some privacy behind closed doors.

As soon as the door shut, Anakin jumped on Tally like a piranha. He kissed her. In utter shock, but pleasure, Tally kissed him back.

When the tender moments passed, they looked at each other.

"Tally," the boy whispered, "I love you."

"Ani I don't know what to say. I really like you."

Defeat shown all over the boy's eyes. He'd hoped that she would love him too. After all, they'd spent the past three years as best friends.

Skywalker stormed out of the room, slamming the door.

Tally started at the door. What did she do. She wasn't supposed to feel this way for Ani. He wasn't supposed to feel that way about her. What could be wrong with that? That's when it hit her, the Force is corrupt. The Dark feels, but let's hatred overtake them. The Light doesn't feel, but does what is right for the galaxy.

Tally realized that both were wrong. They needed to bring balance to the Force. They needed a Gray Side.

She ran to her door and opened it, "Ani wait!" But he gave her the cold shoulder. And continued to for the rest of the year.

When Anakin had finally been ready to forgive his best friend, she'd moved on and her heart was replaced from love, to hatred.

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