Chapter 30 ○ Slave To The Dark

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Vader was stumped, I mobile, using all his might to keep himself up, though he found it difficult with no limbs. He couldn't believe Obi Wan had left him, but he knew that he would've killed him. At least the Jedi showed mercy.

The Sith knew that to save people from death, he would have to join the Dark Side, but at what cost. He almost killed Obi Wan. And that was precisely why he had to leave his friends. They'd never forgive him.

Vader saw a ship fly over head and he prayed it was Obi Wan's... or even Tally's, but he knew that, that would never happen. And the presence on the ship was fueled by the dark side.

When the ship landed, the door opened, revealing Darth Sidious. He was accompanied by a Clone escort. The Sith Master waved his hand, gesturing towards a charred Anakin. The Clones knew what he meant, so they picked the broken fragments of a man up, and placed him aboard the ship.

Darth Vader was tired, he had spent all his energy trying not to fall into boiling hot lava, so once he was in the safety of the ship, he let sleep take over him.


When Obi Wan reached Alderaan, he rushed Padmé off the ship and towards the palace's medical facility. The  medical droid did some tests on the patient, when she woke up. Padmé seemed dazed and confused, but she was certain of one thing, "Get this baby out of me."

"I do not recommend we do that. The baby could be harmed in the process." The droid informed her. "You are not far enough along for us to operate."

Padmé shot the droid an angry look. She opened her mouth, ready to tell the droid whay she wanted, but Vera put her hands on Padmé's shoulder. With that touch, Padmé started crying, "I failed. I can't have this baby. It's impossible. I don't want it."

"If that is what you want, Obi Wan and I can speed up your pregnancy." Vera shot a look to her fellow Jedi.

Padmé couldn't find any words to say, she just nodded. Vera took a step back beside Kenobi, so they could use this ability. They both knew the risk, for this was a Dark Side Force ability, so they had never attempted this trick.

They reached their hands out and focused on Padmé and her baby, but only there wasn't one life inside her, but two. When using this ability, they had to focus on the Light Side, so they wouldn't stray to the Dark Side.

They focused for what felt like hours, sweat rolling down their faces. The energy needed to speed up a life without the training was difficult even for two of the most skilled Jedi.

Eventually, they weren't able to go on any longer, but Padmé's stomach had most definitely grown in size.

Bail, knowing the Jedi wouldn't have enough energy to speak asked the medical droid, "Can you operate now?"

The droid looked at a screen with Padmé's and the babies vitals, "It is a little bit early, but it can do. We can deliver the babies."

"Babies?" The Padmé asked, surprised that she didn't know that there were multiple children inside of her.

"Yes. You are having twins." The droid answered.

As if on command, Padmé felt her stomach contract. She screamed out in pain, she was in labour. When the first baby was brought to the world, the droid told her that it was a boy.

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