Chapter 5 ○ Birth Of A Sith

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"Train you Padawan Dooku and Padawan Qui-Jon Ginn, I will" said the small green force user by the name of Yoda to his two new Padawan.

Master Yoda went on to train the two like brothers.

"Jedi Knight you are now my Padawan." Yoda told the two years later.

Dooku smiled at Qui-Jon.  And Qui-Jon returned the same brotherly smile.

Even though an emotional bond wasn't supposed to happen between Jedi, it did for Qui-Jon and Dooku.

They'd spent the past 5 years by eachothers sides training to become the all powerful Jedi and that day had come.

The day where they could help, save the galaxy.

Dooku went on to go on missions across the galaxy helping it's people and retrieving force powerful beings.

Qui-Jon went on to train a Padawan just like the two had been before. When teaching his Padawan, Obi Wan Kenobi, he remembered his teachings from Yoda and the days he'd spend training with Dooku.

Though the Jedi didn't see much of eachother, they had a connection through the Force.

One blissful day as Dooku was helping a Youngling, he felt an ache in his heart. It was Qui-Jon. He was hurt maybe even dead.

Dooku stormed out of the room leaving the Youngling alone to find his friend.

He found Qui-Jon. But he was too late. He was dead.

Dooku screamed with hatred. How could the universe take such an amazing man.

His previous Master, Yoda sensed the pain in his Padawan and reclaimed his title as a Jedi. Jedi shouldn't feel hate.

Confused with anger, Count Dooku went to the Dark Side. He was going to make the Jedi pay for banishing him at the sight of feeling.

He loved Qui-Jon and wanted the Jedi to pay for his years of thinking feeling was wrong.

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