Chapter 28 ○ A Light In The Darkness

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Anakin made his choice, as he swung his Blue Lightsaber slicing off the Jedi's hand with the Lightsaber. Mace's weapon and hand went falling into the streets of Coruscant.

"ANAKIN!" He was astonished.

"Good." Palpatine smiled, igniting his Force Lightning once more. This time, he flung the Jedi out of the building and onto the streets of Coruscant. 

Sensing darkness, Yoda walked into the Chancellor's office, seeing Anakin on his knees. "I pledge myself to your teachings." The Jedi said to the Chancellor.

"Henceforth you shall be known as ..." The Chancellor pondered his thoughts, "Darth Vader."

The Sith Master, sensing a disturbance in the Force, looked up to see Yoda. For once in a century, Yoda seemed defeated on the inside. As if the Light in him was being snuffed out of him.

"Anakin go to Mustafar to begin your training. I will catch up once I defeat Master Yoda." Palpatine told the Fallen Jedi ready to take down the Grandmaster.

Anakin rushed out of the room and saw the Younglings that Yoda was protecting. He knew enough from Palpatine, that all Jedi, not pledged to the Dark Side were to be destroyed. Anakin ignited his Blue blade and made sure to see his new Master's teachings through.

Before he found a ship, he saw Padmé. She looked terrified.

"Ani, what's wrong?" She trembled.

"Everything is going to be okay. I am going to Mustafar to ensure your safety and I'll be back when it's safe again. Don't tell anyone Padmé. I'm trusting you." Anakin figured that once he learned to stop people from dying and destroy Sidious, he could return to restore the Jedi Order.

Padmé looked at Anakin and saw his blue eyes flicker to a yellow and red. "Anakin!" She exclaimed.

He turned around from Padmé and walked, a single tear escaping from his eye.

Padmé headed to her room, but she gave up on walking. She couldn't. What was Anakin doing? Was Tally's vision coming to pass?

Padmé just lay down on the ground and sobbed until she felt a hand touch her back. She turned and saw Vera and Obi Wan. Padmé had met them a few times prior but trusted them due to Tally's speaking of them.

"Do you know where Anakin is?" Vera spoke in a comforting voice.

"I can't" Padmé sobbed.

Obi Wan sensed something more was keeping her from speaking. He looked at the Senator's pregnant belly and knew just what to say, "Anakin's the father isn't he?"

"Yes." She looked at Obi Wan. She didn't need to be a Jedi to sense that there was something bothering him. He remembered his friends' relationship and didn't see how Padmé fit in. She continued to fill in the gaps, "Tally is the mother."

She went on to explain how the Force had manifested in her to create life. Though unlikely, the Jedi agreed that it was possible, then Obi Wan spoke once more, "Padmé, did Tally tell you what she foresaw."

"Y...Yes..." Padmé quivered.

"You need to tell us where Anakin is so we can stop him." Obi Wan told her.

"You're going to kill him, aren't you?" Padmé asked.

"Not necessarily, but if you tell us where he is, he has a greater chance of survival." He responded.

"I will talk to him before you try anything. He is on Mustafar." Padmé couldn't fail Tally. She promised her. Padmé needed to save Anakin herself.

As they were heading out of the Temple, the group heard a scream from the Chancellor's office.


The three pushed through the doors and saw Anakin's Padawan Ahsoka on the ground her hand was on a cloaked figure.

In the opposite corner of the room, Bail Organa was pacing back and forth with nervousness displayed all across his face. 

Ahsoka turned around as soon as she heard the doors open. She had a slight tear forming in her eyes. "He's dying." She told them, revealing Master Yoda.

Obi Wan rushed to the wise Jedi's side, placing his hand over Yoda's head placing Force Healing into the Jedi enough to regain consciousness. 

The green Master spoke, "The Darth Lord Palpatine is." He used the rest of his energy, "Lost the boy we ha..." Yoda slipped away from his life, becoming one with the Cosmic Force.

The Jedi in the room looked around at each other, each of them feeling the disturbance in the Force. With the Grand Master gone, the Jedi Order was close to doomed. The last part of the Light falling into the Darkness.

The three remaining Jedi and two Senators looked at eachother. They needed a plan... a big plan. 

Just then a hologram came out of the desk. It was one of the Chancellor's henchmen. He looked out towards no where in particular and spoke "The Chancellor is having a mandatory Senate meeting for all Senators on Coruscant or nearby systems in 1 hour." Then the hologram flickered out.

The Senators agreed that they needed to go to the Senate meeting, but it wasn't safe for the Jedi on Coruscant anymore. They agreed to rendezvous on Alderaan.

The three Jedi took Bail's private ship and headed towards Bail Organa's home planet of Alderaan. They were told his wife, Queen Breha Organa, would take care of them. While Padmé and Bail walked towards the conference room.

When they entered, the room was packed with countless Senators of different planets and species. Padmé and Bail sat together in Padmé's pod while the Chancellor's pod floated out into the center of the room.

His voice was booming,  loud enough for the whole galaxy to here, "The Jedi have betrayed us with a failed assassin on me." Boos flooded the room. Padmé and Bail looked at eachother knowing that the words coming out of the Chancellor's mouth were pure baloni. "They wanted to take over full control of the Senate." He paused, "The attempt on my life has left me scarred and deformed. The remaining Jedi will be hunted down and dealt with accordingly." Most of the Senators clapped and cheered. "To ensure peace is kept in the galaxy we will unite with the Separatists and form the first Galactic Empire!" Bursts of cheers came from the room.

Padmé turned to Bail, "So this is how liberty dies, with a thunderous applause."

The meeting was soon over. Bail and Padmé went to Padmé's Coruscant home and saw Anakin's two droids, R2-D2 and C-3PO. They took the droids with them to Alderaan.


When Darth Vader reached Mustafar's surface, he saw Count Dooku, or otherwise known as Darth Tyranous.

The two Sith glared at eachother until a hologram of their Master Darth Sidious was displayed between the two. "I see you have found eachother my apprentices. I can only have one apprentice, so may the best Sith win."

No further words were needed for the two to know that they must slaughter one another. They ignited their Lightsabers, Anakin's was still the hue of blue, not yet able to change it's colour, whereas Tyrannous bore the red Lightsaber of the Sith.

Dooku took the first charge on Vader. He responded quickly, pushing back the other Sith's blade. Tyranous moved his Lightsaber from his opponent the raised up the sword slicing off the shoulder that held Vader's Lightsaber.


So another cliff hanger. Who will win. I think I'm joining the Dark Side with Anakin right now. HEHEHE. Sorry. I really want people to continue to the end of this story because I have a surprise ending. But there may be a few more chapters left like this. I've been pretty good without any suspense like this earlier, but Anakin and I are joining the Dark Side together. I'm sorry again.

Bye Amigos!!!!

May the Force be with you.

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