Chapter 15 ○ A Galactic Battle

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Master Windu landed on Naboo with the Red Squadron of clones. He felt like the mission was pointless. The Jedi were stretched so thinly among the galaxy with the clone wars beginning.

The Separatists were taking over planet one by one and it was crucial for Jedi and their squadron of clones was ready for battle. They needed every Jedi they could find.

That was probably why Yoda had wanted Mace to find Anakin and Tally. Mace never liked the idea of the two of them having a break of fighting. They were desperate for Jedi to save falling planets.

Windu's plan was to go into the safe house on Naboo and get mad at the two for not responding to the calls the Jedi Council had sent.

When Mace opened the door he was alarmed that no one was there. He touched the commlink on his wrist and contacted Master Yoda.

"Yoda there is no sign of the Jedi." Master Windu said a little bit distressed.

"Wait there for the night, you will. If they are not back look in the woods, you can. Concerned, I am, Master Windu." Yoda said in return.

Master Windu told his squadron and they took shelter there for the night.


The next morning the sun rose waking up the Mace Windu. He hoped that Anakin and Tally would be back. Not that he was surprised that they weren't he was still disappointed.

Whose grand idea was it to let the two most defiant and wreckless Jedi go out together? They were probably fighting some Sith Lord in the woods.

"Clones!" Master Windu said while they awoke from their slumber. "It's time to eat! We have to find the Jedi."

The clones were used to orders "Sir, yes, sir! Whatever you need General Windu!" They said in unison. They worked as a team with the Jedi to prepare breakfast.

When they were well fed they left hoping to find Jedi. After walking for quite some time a berry bush caught the Master's eye.

He noticed that around 2 rations of berries were gone from one spot. He figured it was the works of a Jedi. The Jedi he needed to find. The Jedi are taught to not be greedy. Only take what's necessary. To share.

They had to be here recently. Within the past few days. With new confidence, the General led his troops.

After a whole day of searching, Master Windu realized that they weren't going to find the Jedi, so they walked back to the cabin.

Master Windu made it back just in time for his hologram to be present in a meeting of the Jedi council.

Each Jedi discussed the problems they were facing with the clone wars. The other Jedi talked it out, finding the right thing to do.

Finally, it was Mace's turn to speak, "My troops and I haven't been able to find the Jedi. We know they made it here. Their clothes are here, but they are gone."

"Interesting, that is Master Windu." Yoda said, "Come back to Coruscant, I suggest. Need you, we may. Rest first, you must, Master Windu. Tired, you are. Come back tomorrow, you will."

The Master nodded. He felt bad for leaving the Jedi on this planet, but he knew they were smart, so they'd figure it out.

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