Chapter 16 ○ A Loss Of Hope

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When Vera was pregnant with hers and Obi Wan's child, she was happy and sad. It was amazing to be carrying the love of her life's baby, but it brought her back to her mother.

Her mom abandoned her and her brother Dante. She was left to take care of her brother. Vera felt like she'd become like her mom.

It wasn't weariness, or so she thought, but it was the Force showing her what would come to pass in the form of a dream. It wasn't a dream but a nightmare.

She saw the face of a little boy. About 2 years old. He shared the completion of both herself and Obi Wan. She figured that was her child.

She saw herself holding the baby in her arms. Holding him tight. She was crying. So was he at the sight of his mother.

Vera handed him two die. She recognized them. They were the ones that she and Obi had purchased as a wedding ring. Her son had them now.

"I love you..." She cried in her Force vision "Stay strong. Daddy loves you too. This is to protect you." She then put the baby in a base. And left.

Every night Vera woke up crying. She had no idea how she could have done that. She never thought that she'd ever abandon her child. The pain that Vera went through when her mother left her. She couldn't put her child through that.

Obi Wan heard her cry every night. All Vera said was that she wanted company. She needed someone to take her mind of giving up her baby.

Even though Obi Wan was her husband, he couldn't help her. He shared the face of the crying, scared baby, not sure what to do.

When the baby came, the nightmares left. Either the baby was taking Vera's mind off the fear of giving up her baby. Or it was just a fear when she was pregnant.

Vera hoped it was fear. Hoped that it was just a wild nightmare sent to torture her in her sleep. But she stilled feared that it was the worst.

That the baby actually in her arms had distracted her from the nightmares. She made a vow to herself. That she would do everything for her child that was in her power. That she would protect her baby as he grew older. No matter what. That she would hurt anyone whose brain even considered the idea of her son.

She placed a kiss of protection every night on his forehead. To keep him safe from the Dark Side and any and all evil that threatened him.

Ben was her baby. She was Ben's mother. It was... is her solemn duty to be the shield to her son.

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