Chapter 9 ○ A Padawan and A Master

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"Hello, Tally." Kit said to his new Padawan. "I'm going to be your new Master."

Tally hid beside Princess Amidala. 11-year-old Tally had known the princess since she herself was a little girl on Naboo and trusted her. Princess Amidala was only 2 years older than Tally but she was much more mature. And brave.

Even though Tally had been training in a group of Padawan she was still scared. Every night she would have nightmares of Jedi taking her away from her mom and her mom doing nothing. But everyone had told her that Kit Fisto was a nice Jedi.

"It's okay Tally," Amidala said. "Master Kit Fisto will help you."

Tally trusted the princess so she let go of her hand and went to Kit's side.

Amidala waved at Tally and left. "Have fun!"

The first thing Kit did was her to get ice cream. That trick had worked with his previous Padawan.

The little girl ate her ice cream in silence. Then she spoke "When do I get a Light Saber. I want to fight."

Kit smiled. He'd misjudged his new Padawan. Tally was eager to train. And Kit was eager to teach.


Sorry this chapter is short I'm going on my plane shortly and I wanted to get what I wrote out there.

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