Chapter 8 ○ Spark Of A War

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Anakin was pulled out of the hot sand and onto a ship by another Jedi. Tally was ripped out of his arms and taken to a droid nurse. He didn't try to hold on to Tally so hard, because he knew that this was her only chance of healing.

Beside Tally lay Vera. There were 4 people in the room. Obi Wan beside Vera and Anakin beside Tally. They both silently prayed that the people that they love would live.


Vera was better fast. She regained her consciousness in less than an hour. She sat with Obi Wan and they played chess and talked about their time spent without each other.

For Vera, it was mission after mission. And Obi Wan spent his time training his Padawan Anakin Skywalker.

They walked around the ship, but the ship was starting to lose power. It pushed from side to side, so they had to make an escape landing on Tatooine.

Master Yoda went out to find an extra piece for their ship. In no time, the ship was ready to go.

Everyone was settled on the ship and ready to take off. When they first hit the air, the ride was going smoothly. It was only mid-air when things got tough.

Tough guys on bikes started shooting at the ship. Vera and Obi grabbed blasters and started to shoot the creatures.

All four dead!

Just then, Vera felt a wave of dizziness come upon her. She tripped over her feet and fell off the ship. She plunged into the scorching hot sand.

"VERA!" Obi Wan screamed. He lunged off the plane to go to Vera.

Yoda saw what had happened and immediately felt ashamed of himself. How had he not realized? Obi Wan loved Vera. That was why he had started to train with her. That was why he had stopped. That was why he used himself as a human shield to protect Vera.

How had Yoda not realized? When the captain asked what they should do about the passengers gone overboard he told the captain to keep going.

Yoda knew that Obi Wan was strong so he would need time to think about whether or not to strip him of his Jedi title.


Anakin sat beside Tally's cot. He looked at her frail body and pale face. She had bled out a lot. This wasn't the normal Tally that he usually saw. This Tally was beaten. Bad.

It cut her back deep, causing her to faint from blood loss. The droid nurse told Anakin that he had done everything he could to help her on the battlefield.

Anakin prayed that, that was enough. He would die if he didn't have Tally. He was miserable when they didn't talk. Anakin couldn't stand it if anything bad happened to her.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Master Yoda walk into the room where Tally lay.

"Glad to see you Padawan Skywalker, I am." The green alien told the boy.

"To what do I owe the pleasures of a visit from the all-powerful Master Yoda." The boy said trying to let go of his sad for Tally persona.

Yoda's face looked somber, "Talk about Obi Wan Kenobi, we must."

Anakin had a quizzical look on his face. "What about my Master? Shouldn't you talk to someone on the Jedi council?"

"Fallen off the ship, Master Kenobi has. A long time to find him, it will take. Become a Jedi Knight now, you will. Ready you are, Obi Wan said." The powerful Jedi told Anakin.

The boy's face was gleaming with joy he forgot about his unconscious friend for a minute. But then it hit him. Tally. What would happen to her?

"What about Tally?" Anakin asked "We have been training together. Is she ready too?"

"Tell you, I can not. But a friend of Tally's, you are. Ready Padawan Tally Diquavis is."

The two Padawan were going to save the world.


Let me tell you all that it is very hard to write like Yoda. You have to think all the sentences through but it is fun. I'm waiting at the airport and my flight leaves in an hour so it is very likely that I will have another chapter out in that time. If not Happy New Year!

Bye Amigos!

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