Chapter 21 ○ Leaving The Light

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When Tally woke up, she was in a different room. One she didn't recognize. The only familiar thing in the room was Anakin.

"Ani... what happened?" She asked.

"Thank goodness you're awake." He looked around himself. "We were attacked in Naboo on our walk. I escaped. We are free now." He winked at Tally letting her know to go with it.

"I think I remember. Are we going back to the Jedi Temple?" Tally wanted to know if they got to stay on Naboo longer or had to go back to their Jedi duties.

"We have a day left here. I got us out last night and brought you to the hospital. You are fine we can head back now."

Tally got up. She was still in her Jedi robe. So was Anakin. They walked out of the hospital towards what had been their home.

When they had reached the woods, Tally was ready to interrogate Anakin. "Have Vera and Obi Wan been found?"

"No just us. What happened?" Anakin wanted to know what was so powerful that could cause Tally to pass out.

Tally sighed, "I had a Force vision." She remembered Anakin and Obi Wan fighting. She knew she couldn't tell Anakin that.

"What was it about?" He asked.

Tally told him about what happened to Padmé. Anakin remembered that Padmé was with his Master when they found him. She was a very nice lady. But he never knew that she was friends with Tally. Or that Tally was from Naboo.

When they were back at the house. Obi Wan and Vera ran to the door. They were relieved that Tally was okay. She told them that she had a Force vision. That she and Anakin needed to head back to Coruscant.

When the house was quiet, Tally went to meditate. Obi Wan sensed the business in her mind so he met her downstairs. Obi Wan was the strongest Jedi out of the group. He had been with them since he was 6 months old.

"Tally." He said, "I know there is something bothering you. What is it?"

Tally opened her eyes and tears streamed out like a waterfall. "It's Anakin." She said, "It's my vision, he went to the Dark Side. I have to leave. But you have to make sure that he stays on the Light Side. It is too risky for him to like me."

"Anakin is sleeping. Let me wake Vera up. We can talk about this."

In a few minutes, Obi Wan came back with Vera.

"What are you two up to?" She asked.

Tally explained to her other friend what had happened. Vera knew what she had to do. She hated it. But her Force vision was true too. She needed to give up her son. Tears started streaming down Vera's face too.

"Honey, why are you crying now?" Obi Wan asked his wife, genuinely concerned.

"I had a vision too. One when I was pregnant. I had to give up Ben. It broke me. I never pictured giving up my baby. But it was preparing me for this moment. Obi Wan and I need to keep Ani on the Light Side. Tally, you have to disappear with Ben. That is the only way to save Anakin." Vera was bawling her eyes out.

She rushed upstairs and grabbed Ben. Put the dice that symbolized her wedding band and Obi Wan did the same.

"I'll leave you alone for a moment." Tally wanted to give the family time together.

After everyone in the family said their goodbyes and Tally wrote a note to Anakin and to the Jedi they met up again. Vera placed her son in Tally's arms. "Take good care of my son and bring the Gray Side back when it's safe."

"I will miss you all so much. Please take care of Anakin and I promise to take care of your son." Tally cried.

She put on a plain robe to hide herself and left. She made her way to a town and stole a speeder. She needed to make it to Senator Amidala's palace. She knew Padmé would help her once she returned.

When she reached the palace gates, she saw a Gungan guard. "You will let us pass," Tally told him.

"I will let you pass." The guard repeated. She knew her way around the palace from a time when she and her deceased Master had to take care of Padmé.

Tally hid in the palace. If she was ever caught, she used Jedi mind tricks on whoever saw her. Usually, it was a weak mind so she was successful at staying hidden. It was a little trickier to hide Ben since he would cry but she found her way around that.

What troubled Tally was when Padmé would return since Tally realized that she was pregnant.

One afternoon, the Senator returned. Tally found Padmé. When she was on her own.

When Padmé saw Tally, she gave Tally a big hug. "Where have you been? You've had me worried sick." Padmé asked Tally.

"Padmé I need help." Tally pleaded, "I had to go into hiding. I need money. I don't have any. I beg you please help me. I'm sorry to spring this on you but I have been waiting here for a while with him." She pointed to Ben sitting on a chair. "Help me Padmé. You're my only hope."

"I can help. But why the baby. What happened?" Tally told Padmé what had happened in the past year. She told her friend how she and Anakin had found Vera and Obi Wan. How those two had a baby. The one that was in the room with them. That she and Anakin had fallen in love. How she had a Force vision about what happened to Padmé. Padmé confirmed that that was true. And how she saw Anakin go to the Dark Side. Tally left out the part that Padmé had been pregnant with Anakin's child. That fact set Tally off. But she didn't know what had happened to cause Anakin to fall in love with another.

"Please Padmé." Tally concluded.

"I will be of assistance to you. I won't tell the Jedi anything. Is there anything else you need?"

"Just show Ani that there is still love in the world. I don't care what you have to do. I just need Anakin to remember love. Tell him that one day when it is safe, I and our unborn child will find him." Tally was crying.

"I will do whatever I can." Padmé went to her safe. She gave Tally all the cash she had. "Take this and a ship out of here."

"Don't tell anyone I was here. Only Ani." Tally looked at Padmé. They embraced in a long hug that gave birth to a seed of the Force inside of Padmé. Pure energy.

"You have my word."

Tally took a ship and left Naboo. She wasn't sure where herself, Ben and her unborn child would find themselves, but she knew it was necessary to do everything in her power to keep all of them safe.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It is so much fun to write this. This story has my brain wandering everywhere. There are so many different plots changes that could happen. I can never choose which one I'm going to follow. For the next few chapters, it's going to be about Anakin and Padmé. No Tally. I love writing about Padmé. She is an awesome character in Star Wars and I've been dying to add her character in this book for some time. For the next few chapters, I'm probably not going to write about the past. I really want to write about the present and all the situations that ate coming up. BTW we've reached 250 reads!!!! I'm so happy!!!!

Bye Amigos!

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