Chapter 31 ○ The Ones

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Before writing this chapter, I would like to say thank you for 500 READS!!! I am so grateful for everyone that has taken time out of their day to read this story.

This chapter, is necessary for the sequel to this story, Reign Of The Gray Jedi's ending to make sense, which will come in the future.

This takes place during Anakin's training of Ahsoka.

With that, let's get on with the story...

Ahsoka sat in a ship with her Master, Anakin Skywalker and her unofficial Master Obi Wan Kenobi. This seemed like any other mission, except for the comms went out.

"That's weird." Anakin said, trying to flip switches and jam buttons.

"Patience Anakin." Obi Wan warned his friend.

"I'll check the mechanics of the ship." Ahsoka told them, standing up, when some turbulence erupted. It shook Ahsoka until she could grab a hold of Obi Wan's chair, stabilizing herself.

Anakin attempted to pilot the ship, when all power went out. Their ship was rattled and crashed on a planet's surface, rendering the three Jedi unconscious.

Anakin was the first one to awake, sensing that the planet had a very strong presence in the Force. He walked off the ship, with no intention of leaving, when he felt the Force pull him left. Anakin started walking in that direction, feeling the Force transpire through him.


Ahsoka was next to wake. She was on the floor of the ship, when she noticed Anakin missing and Obi Wan still sleeping. Ahsoka ran to the exit of the ship, trying to look for any sight of her Master. Though she couldn't sense her Master, Ahsoka too sense the Force flowing strongly throughout the planet.

When Ahsoka didn't know where to find Anakin, she followed her instincts right, where she felt a stronger pull of the Force, in hopes of finding her Master, leaving Obi Wan on his own.


When Obi Wan awoke from a brief slumber, he was alarmed to not see Ahsoka or Anakin, "They're probably off doing something crazy." He thought to himself.

He stepped off his ship in search of his friends, and was alarmed by what he saw. A tall, skinny old man with a white beard stood in front of him. In the presence of this being, Obi Wan felt a unique calmness of the Force.

"Who May you be?" The Jedi questioned.

"I am The Father," He replied, "I sense your friends are in great danger Obi Wan."

"How do you know who I am." He asked.

"I am The Father," He repeated, "For I have birthed the Force and know of every being that penetrates this galaxy."

"I don't understand." Obi Wan informed him.

The Father placed his finger on Obi Wan's forehead. With that act, Obi Wan saw the Force birth and the history of the Jedi and Sith. Then with all of his pertained knowledge, he passed out, with too young a body to withstand the thousands of years he was given.


Anakin continued walking until he saw a familiar silhouette. It was his mother.

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