Chapter 10 ○ Regaining Trust In The Force

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When Tally woke up she was in a white hospital room with Anakin.

"Anakin how did we get here?" Tally demanded.

Anakin was shocked. Tally had been in a coma for a year. Just then Anakin started crying.

"Dude hold it together you look like an old man. Now answer my question." Tally said sharply.

Anakin wiped his tears. "Tally you went into a coma a year ago at the battle. I guess you hit your head pretty hard."

At first, Tally began to laugh. Anakin was joking. He had to be. She was fine. At least she felt fine.

Anakin was confused. The nurse told him that if Tally woke up she'd be tired. "Nurse!" Anakin cried "Nurse! Tally is awake!"

A nurse, human now. Came rushing in. Tally was baffled. Had Anakin actually been serious? She allowed the nurse to check her vitals and some other doctor stuff. For that Anakin had to leave the room.

Tally wasn't aware of all that had happened. The nurse also told her that she had been in a coma for one year, three months, and five days. So she guessed that Anakin was telling the truth.

For a week she was kept in the hospital and various tests were run on her. Every night Anakin visited her at dinner. He told Tally what had happened in the past year.

Anakin had become a Jedi Knight. There was a search party, that Anakin was apart of, to find his previous Master Obi Wan Kenobi and Vera Denaro. They caught Dooku. And Tally's Master Kit Fisto died in the battle along with many others.

To that new Tally cried. Kit had been like a father to her. He had trained her for four years. Anakin gave his friend a hug.

He had good news that he desperately wanted to tell her, but promised Yoda that he would keep it a secret.

When Tally was discharged from her room she was told that Yoda wanted to see her. She figured it was probably so she could get a new Master to train her. She didn't want to have that conversation with him. All she wanted to do was breath. Grieve Kit.

She opened the doors to the training room where she met Yoda's eyes.

"Master Yoda. I really don't want a new Master right now. I need a break." Tally said trying to hold back her rage.

"Ready you are Padawan Tally Diquavis. A Jedi Knight you will become. A vacation you will have." Yoda made Tally smile. Her dream of becoming a Jedi Knight could finally come true.

She had the opportunity to meet other Jedi. To befriend them and teach them about the Gray Side. And also a vacation. She didn't need to go to another planet. She just needed rest time.

"On your vacation come Anakin will. A vacation he needs. And a guard you need." Yoda told Tally. The old Jedi knew that Anakin and Tally had almost always been good friends and that they'd need a vacation after the year they both had.


As soon as Anakin heard vacation he started to pack. When Anakin was younger he always asked his mom if they could go on a trip. She always told him that one day that would happen.

He thought that maybe him joining the Jedi was his vacation. But it was work. Especially in the last year.

Anakin was thrilled to go with Tally though he was told to be her guard. He guessed that since he hadn't been in a coma for the last year, he couldn't formally go on vacation. But being a guard for Tally on a peaceful planet. He wasn't sure which one since the Jedi Council wanted to keep their location secret from everyone since there was a mole in the group.

Anakin walked on the plane and there Tally, the newest Jedi Knight sat with a smile as big as an elephant on her face.

"Let's go on a trip Ani!"

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