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Quote of the day: You are a very special element in this world don't let anyone make you feel otherwise,because you hold a very special place in someone's heart.

   Ashley slammed the door shut as she stepped into the house. She was in a very foul mood thanks to her ever caring boss. Mr Marshall had made her go through the whole of the company activities for that year which wasn't that necessary; he made her wait up to finish the work even though it was past her working hours. She slumped on the chair and was about falling into a comfortable sleep only to hear.

    "Wow what the heck were you doing with your new boss the, unexpected?" Chloe asked.

   She had suddenly forgotten that she lives with a very...what the heck can she even refer this blabbering girl to?  "As if," She said in a dry tone lying more comfortably on the couch. This couch had been a gift from Chloe's grandparents it was indeed very old, but it was comfy as hell.

    "Well it is simply because I'm  aware of the type of friend I have, if not I would have thought so, but I guess I was just hoping you know." Chloe walked closer to her. She was in her nightwear and there was a towel on her head, meaning she just came out of the bathroom. And Ashley was jealous.

  She really wanted to have a hot bath now, but she was too damn tired to stand up. Chloe had gotten home way before her, they usually came home together, but ever since Greg Marshall happened they stopped doing so.

   "Thank goodness you know."

   "What is it? Ashley you look stressed out." She asked sitting down and flinging the wet towel she used in cleaning her hair on the armchair, that irritating behavior of hers.

    "Nothing, I'm just sort of tired," she said thinking back to how Greg Marshall had treated her all day and all week. He was totally different from the guy who had showed up at her doorstep with a smile. Why the sudden change in behavior? Or did he recognize her? If so why hasn't he done anything? Was he waiting for her to come clean? If so, she really can't do that, that would be nothing but pure tragedy for her.

   "Hey! you there." She suddenly heard Chloe shouting.

   "You didn't have to shout, I'm at ears length," she said rubbing her ear as if it hurts. It actually doesn't, but Chloe's voice was loud enough without shouting.

   "Well it didn't seem like you were here, you look like you have gone out of the universe my sweet, what's wrong?" Chloe said giving the most attentive glare, daring her to lie .

   "Nothing, I'm  ... fine."

  "Hey you can't lie to me, I can see through your every lie."

  Ashley stood up and started walking  towards  her room reluctantly. "I'm tired Chloe, I'll make sure to tell you by tomorrow." That is if I don't wake up earlier than you, and run over to my work place, she added silently.

    It felt so weird now, even though they both work for the same company it's obvious they won't be seeing each other very much. Now that she will be stuck in her floor all day thanks to her handsome, but crazy as hell boss. Ashley wasn't going to be surprised at his behaviour anymore, he was obviously just some pompous ass who gets everything handed to him.


  Greg stood up from his seat and picked up his briefcase as he made to leave. Damn he knew being a CEO wasn't an easy job, but he hadn't expected it to be so time consuming. He had always thought his father had just been making up excuses all those years but now he knew better. Greg knew how it felt now, damn he didn't know he would meet this much work considering the way his father was always busy.

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