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  Quote of the day: happiness they say is free, you don't have to go a thousand miles to find it, it might be just right under your nose.

     Ashley stared at what was on her bed in horror, feeling her whole being drooping down. She fell down on the floor, gripping her knees close to her chest, tears spiraling down her cheeks.

   She looked closely at what was on her bed, she didn't need to go far with searching to know who did it. Her whole bed was scattered, her blue bedspread was torn into tiny pieces, and her white mattress had blood stains all over it, written on it boldly with blood was the sentence...


   Ashley knew the H.W staring back at her was her father's initials; Hunt Wells. Her feeling of dread had been right when she saw her father at Spain. The man always found something to obsess with, and it was only natural that his next target would be her, he never liked her from the very day she was brought to this world.

     How on earth did he manage to find her in the first place? If he could find her, then she didn't need lectures on what he could do to her when he finally gets his hand on her.

   This was it, she had brought a whole new length of trouble upon herself, upon Greg, and maybe his sister, and father, definitely Chloe...

    Ohh Chloe!

   She scrambled to her feet and ran to Chloe's room, she didn't know why she hadn't thought of it before when she noticed the door was wide open, Chloe was careless sometimes, but not so careless.

   Getting to Chloe's room she met the door opened, it was wide open, she ran inside.


   There was fear written all over her, she was ready to take anything but she definitely couldn't bare the loss of Chloe. She wouldn't be able to forgive herself, No!

    "Chloe!" Ashley called again, fear resounding in her voice, but still there was no answer. She went to check her in the bathroom but she wasn't there, at that point she broke down in her bathroom, she knelt there crying her eyes out.

      "Oh no, Chloe!"

She knew what her father was capable of first hand, although he never for once abused her physically but she knew what he did to other people, but she never thought her father would take Chloe away, the man knew that Chloe was her only source of happiness.

   So it shouldn't be a surprise to her that he would abduct Chloe first, he needed ways to torture her, and she must say he had succeeded.

   Ashley knelt there unmoving thinking of ways to get Chloe back when she heard the front door banging close. Her heart jumped out of her chest, Chloe was the only one who bangs the door this way, but she knew her father already kidnapped Chloe so who was it? Her father.

    She stayed where she was, still visibly shaken. She was scared of her father finding her, but she needed to see him, she needed him to let Chloe go. It didn't take long before she heard Chloe's room door banging close, she gripped her chest with fear, expecting to hear heavy footsteps anytime from now, but instead she heard soft ones.

       "What are you doing?" She heard an inquisitive voice asking. The voice sounded all too familiar, it sounded like the usual shrieking voice of Chloe, she looked up instantly to see Chloe staring down at her with confusion.

     Ashley screamed with joy and stood up immediately pulling Chloe into a hug. She sobbed into Chloe's green mini gown, and soon she felt Chloe's hand going around her.

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