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Quote of the day : Don't just talk the talk, try as much as possible to walk the walk.

   "Please, not Avengers again,"  Ashley said to Chloe pouting.

  Greg loved the way her face looked, she was trying hard to be cute to get her friend to yield her, but it was indeed hilarious. They were at Ashley and Chloe's place, he had come in guise of eating his leftover food, but heaven knows that he wasn't here for that. He doesn't even like the food, he had no idea why they were both obsessed with it. He ended up eating pasta which Ashley prepared and Chloe, as you can guess ate the Consommé.

  They were trying to watch a movie now which led to this argument, he really wasn't interested in any of it, he just wanted to get a room and take Ashley in there and...

   "Excuse me, who wouldn't like to watch a movie full of hot guys,"  Chloe replied.

  "Don't you ever get tired of seeing their faces? Like aren't you tired of watching the same movie over and over again?" Ashley asked now with a pleading tone.

    "It is actually not the same, last time I watched 'age of ultron,' now I wanna watch 'endgame,' since you aren't a fan, I wouldn't expect you to know what I am saying," Chloe said again in a tone that looked like she was talking to a five year old. He found himself chuckling at this silly argument, they both looked like errant teens.

   "Well its the same faces, and you have watched everyone of the avengers movie before, aren't you tired of seeing Chris hemsworth?"

   "Hold it right there, tired! Chris hemsworth! Oh please, how can I?  Can't you see that body, well you have to watch it because when you were  on your 'fifty shades' frenzy I watched all the movies with you, and I was so tired of seeing Jamie Dornan's face, but who was I to complain."

  For some reason that got Ashley to stop complaining; he laughed
He wasn't expecting her to be a fan of  'fifty shades,' if it was Chloe he wouldn't be surprised.

   "Fifty shades huhh?" Greg asked her with a smirk.

   "What about it? I read the book and I was curious about how Christian Grey would look like..."  Ashley said.

   "And you were disappointed," He piped in.

   "No, I wasn't... " Ashley said giving him a glare.

  "I don't understand why you are so into this 'fifty shades,' the guy was too overbearing, annoying, dominating,  and I hate guys like that," Greg said.

   "Why? is it because they remind you of yourself? " Ashley said.

  "I'm nothing like that,"  he said defensively.

  "Okay, let's see... Overbearing... Checked," Ashley said counting out one finger with a serious look on her face. "Annoying... Checked," she smiled, "dominating... checked."

    "I'm not annoying," he said thinking back, trying to remember if he was ever annoying, "I'm definitely not overbearing."

    "I beg to differ," Chloe piped in, now concentrated on their conversation.

   "Care to tell me how?" Greg asked.

   "Find out yourself," both Ashley and Chloe said at the same time. He looked surprised at first but the surprise was soon replaced with amusement.

  Greg heard his phone ring, he started looking around for it.

   "Here..."  Ashley said giving him the phone, he saw that it was Nora, now he knows how curious Ashley will be.

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