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Quote of the day: Do not judge a book by its cover.

     Greg stared at the man before him with disbelief. He couldn't believe what he was hearing, but more so he hated the man, and he had no right to even know that a person with the name Nora Marshall existed.

   "So?" Greg spat out with annoyance, "so what if she is my wife? How is that any of your business?" His hatred for the man not faltering a bit.

   "You kept her from me Greg... Don't I even deserve a little acknowledgment from you," his father said. He could see that his eyes was clouded with tears, he had never seen his father this weak, but he stopped caring nineteen years ago, so he didn't feel any remorse at being the course of his tears.

   "Acknowledgment! I really don't think so."

     "Is it that you hate me so much, or you are just too embarrassed to tell me because your wife is crazy and maybe because she is nineteen, and supposed to be in school and not married," his father said his expression was no longer somber, it was hard.

    Greg blood boiled in his veins, this man had no fucking right to say anything about Nora's mental condition when he was the main cause of everything. He decided he might just tell the man anyway.

    "You have no right to make comments about her mental health when you are the cause of it all, you bastard," Greg said with a lot of hatred. His father looked confused and he liked that.

   "How am I the caus? I never even met the girl, I found out about her existence just yesterday," His father said trying to defend himself.

   "Then I must tell you that whoever you got the information from didn't give you the correct information," he said with an evil smile.

   "In what way is the information wrong? There is a Nora Marshall."

  "And did you get to see her picture?"

  "Yes, I saw a lot of her pictures, even the one of you guys in Spain," his father said getting him angry more than he was.

    "And your brain couldn't diss out the correct information," Greg said clapping his palms tight before him.  He rested his elbows on the desk, staring up at the man before him, he hadn't sat down since, and he didn't care.

   "That Greg is an insult to your own father, are you saying  I'm stupid?" His father said between gritted teeth.

   "Well you are, if you couldn't recognize your own gene when you see it," Greg said with a chuckle that definitely didn't come from within. His father looked more confused than ever.

   "What nonsense are you sprouting now, Gregory." He used his full name,  then the old man must have had it.

   "Well, how about I let you know that Nora Marshall, isn't my wife."

"How is that possible, she is a Marshall."

   "She is a Marshall because she is your daughter, you dumbo." Greg said finally letting the cat out of the bag. It was time this man began to admit his mistakes. He watched the look on his father's face, his father looked confused at first, then shocked then later he had the look of disbelief.

   "You expect me to believe that Greg. There was only one woman who ever bore a child for me and that was your mother, and she only gave birth to you. So how do I come about a daughter suddenly?" His father's voice was hard with anger now.

   Greg wanted to laugh but he didn't, he had looked forward to this day a lot. A day when he would confront his father, a day when he would let him know he had a daughter, a daughter he didn't deserve.

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