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  Quote of the day : We all have our own past, so we have no right to hold a person's past against him or her.

     "You disgust me."

   The words kept on dangling before Ashley's eyes, mocking her. The look of hatred and disgust on Greg's face hurt so much, her heart shattered into a million pieces as images of him played in her mind. She always knew he would find out one day, she knew a day would come and he would no longer look at her with love. She had hoped to push that day further away from her, but as the saying goes, 'karma is a bitch, and has no friends.'

    She was inexplicably doomed, he hated her, and she had no idea what he would do. She could bear every and anything he does, but her heart couldn't bare him hating her, or looking at her with so much contempt and disgust as he had done today. She sat crying on the floor that she had shrunk to when he left, she clutched her chest tight trying to lessen the pain, but it didn't. She felt guilt ripping her heart, she was once again the reason for Greg's pain. How she wished that night never happened, how much she wished she had done things a little differently. It hurt more realizing that he also questioned her love for him, he could believe everything but she wanted him to know that her love for him and Nora is true.

     "Ashley!" She heard Chloe voice call as she bang her room door open, and closed.

  She didn't try to hide the fact that she was crying from her, there was no use, she had hidden things from Chloe too much. And she deserved to know. Chloe deserved to know that she had been best friends with a murderer for far too long. Her already shattered heart began to break even more when it struck her that Chloe would also hate her, no, not Chloe. Chloe was the only one she ever had, she wouldn't be able to live with herself if Chloe gave her a single look of disgust or hatred.

     "Ashley, what happened here?" Chloe asked sitting beside her crying form on the floor. "Wait, did you by any chance reject his proposal? That would explain why Greg was so angry."

      "Proposal, what proposal?" She asked, looking at Chloe.

     "He didn't propose?" Chloe asked again with disbelief.

      "What proposal Chloe?"

    "You do remember last week when Greg and I went on a date." Ashley nodded her head hurriedly to show Chloe she was following, "well, it was to pick out an engagement ring for you. He planned it along with a birthday party for Nora today, so, what the hell happened here? Why are you crying? And why is Greg so angry?"

   Ashley started sobbing harder at the realization of what she had just lost, a chance to spend the rest of her life with Greg, as his wife, as Mrs Marshall.

     "Ashley, please answer me, what happened?" Chloe's voice sounded as though she was about crying also, she looked up at the girl, and saw that her eyes were indeed filled with tears. She knew this was it, she had to tell Chloe everything.

      " you remember the tale you were telling me at the office about how Greg's Mum died?" She asked in a deadly quiet voice.

     "Oh, the day you woke up late. I remember."
      "What exactly did you say that day? I wasn't paying attention."

     "Turns out it was a random girl who shot at her, at their home, would you believe? Thank God she is dead, the world got rid of another heartless soul." Hearing Chloe say this made her cry harder, "but what has that got to do with anything?"

       "That girl, the one who killed his mother, was me. It was I." Ashley said bending her head, not wanting to see the look on Chloe's face.

    "What nonsense are you sprouting? The girl died that night Ashley," Chloe said trying to assure her. Chloe raised her head up with her hand lovingly, "Ashley, what are you saying?"

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