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  Quote of the day:  A laugh a day keeps the sadness away, so don't forget to always smile.


  Ashley stared at what Nora was busy writing on her cast. Yeah, she just got back from the hospital where she got her cast put on. Greg had left afterward to meet Davis, now she and Nora were both in Chloe's room, and Chloe was as usual being herself. She was busy plastering wallpapers of her babies here and there. Chloe was unfortunately turning the gorgeous room into something hideous. Well, no offence to the babies.

     "I got a new addition to 'my official crush list,'" Chloe said with a bright smile. In case you are confused her 'official crush list' as she calls it, are the names of all the innocent celebrities that she is stalking, males to be precise. And it is very rare to see her add a new name to the list, because you have to be perfect to be on the list. That should actually be an achievement for these celebrities, once you make it to the list, just know you are amazing.

     "Which poor soul are you planning on stalking now Chloe?" Ashley asked with a raised brow. Nora gave a soft laugh beside her.

   Chloe went over to her drawer and brought out a folded wallpaper, she spread it out and Ta-da, staring back at them was a familiar green eyed guy.

      "Since when did Greg Marshall become a celebrity?" Ashley asked bewildered.

     "Excuse you, he is hot," Chloe said with an eye roll. She soon got busy with plastering the picture in the middle of her babies.

      "Just don't let him see it, his ego would become larger than it already is," Nora said twirling the marker in her hand.

     "See what?" They heard a voice say from the door as it opened and closed loudly. They all turned to see Greg standing at the entrance with a smirk on his face. Wasn't he supposed to be meeting up with Davis?

     "Why don't you ever knock?" Nora screamed at him, but Greg's gaze had fallen on the picture on the wall. His stupid smirk spread wider than it was. Chloe was blushing beet red with embarrassment.

  Ashley wanted to laugh but didn't, she knew if she did she wouldn't hear the end of it from Chloe. They all turned to face the door again when they heard it open loudly again and Davis walked right in with a smile, as they say, birds of the same feather, flock together.

      "Davis!" Nora screamed jumping into Davis arms who in turn caught her like she weighed nothing. Ashley found herself blinking rapidly. Greg just ignored them both and walked over to seat beside her on Chloe's bed.

   "How do you feel?" He asked with concern like he hadn't just Brought her back from the hospital a few minutes ago.

    "Good," she answered stiffly. She still hasn't figured out how to act around him yet. They seem to have created a pattern where she spends the day with Nora while he and Chloe are at work, and at night he always seems to find his way into her room to check up on her and he ends up on her bed. The next morning he would be gone before she even wakes up. All this they do without even saying a word to each other.

    "And if it isn't my Ashley," Davis said interrupting her train of thoughts. He moved over to her and placed a kiss on her cast, she wanted to roll her eyes but stopped when he reciprocated the same on her forehead, she found herself blushing at him.

      "Who is the gorgeous brunette?" Davis asked looking towards Chloe who was still staying beside her babies with a weird look on her face, staring at Davis.

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