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Quote of the day : It is always dark at night but what puts a smile on our faces is the fact that every night has its day.

Ashley couldn't really place her hand on the feeling she got when Greg pulled her to him, but she knew she never wanted to come out of his embrace. He was hurting, she could feel it from the hug. It was almost like he needed her, and she also needed him, maybe even more.

When he pulled apart, she knew what would happen next. He had to go to Nora now, she needed him now and he had to be there. She felt really sad that Nora had tried to take her own life, and he had said again meaning it wasn't the first time she would try this, Ashley felt guilt gripping her heart.

"I guess you have to drop me home now," Ashley said with an heavy voice.

"No, I'm not going to drop you home," Greg said a little too harsh. Then she finally understood. He needed to be with Nora ASAP, so he didn't have the luxury of time to drop her off. As hurt as she felt about his rejection, she clearly understood.

"Its okay then, I can just get a cab, just make sure Nora is fine," she said quietly trying to pry open his car door, but she felt his hand stopping her.

"What do you think you are doing?" Greg asked with a questioning look.

"Getting down of course."

"No you can't," and now she must say Greg was starting to gradually piss her off. He didn't want to drop her off, neither did he want her to get off to get a cab.

"Greg, you need to be with Nora now, so let me just... "

"That is why you are going nowhere."

"What are you trying to say now Greg?" She asked clearly tired of his stupid mood swings. She knew she had to chill, he was her boyfriend, so she had to deal with it all.

"I want you to come with me Ashley," he said quietly. It almost sounded like he didn't say anything at first.

"You want me with you?" She asked with confusion.

"Yes Ashley, you are a part of my life now, and I want you to be present with me through thick and thin... But that is if you want," he said looking deep into her hazel eyes. His green orbs held so much emotions, it seemed to pull her in. It took her a while to realize that, this gorgeous green eyed guy staring back at her was her boyfriend, and wanted her to be a part of his life in every way, and she must confess that she felt complete like never before.

"Okay I will go, but I don't think Nora likes me much. I didn't really make a good first impression," she said remembering what had transpired between her and Nora the first day they met, and how she had treated the poor girl.

"She really doesn't like you, but you are Ashley, I'm sure you can work your magic," he said with a smile and turned back to face the road. He maneuvered the car out of the restaurant. She felt bad for the poor restaurant, they had given out the whole place to one person, and he didn't even show up. Well, atleast they have their money to console themselves.

Ashley watched as Greg drove in silence, the car was eerily quiet but yet the silence wasn't deafening it felt comfortable. A few minutes into the drive she felt Greg hand on hers again but his eyes were still on the damn road. He held her firmly never letting go, as he continued driving through New York.

After driving for about twenty minutes he pulled up at an hospital, she looked at it and written on it boldly was healthy minds the name felt suitable for a mental institution, but when she remembered why they were there, and who they came to meet, she couldn't stop the pang of pain that hit her hard.

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