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   Quote of the day : Never forget that karma is a bitch that has no friend.

     "Come on Greg, just tell me the surprise already," Nora asked eagerly again and he totally ignored her. What's the use of the surprise if he tells her what it is now?

       "Lemme guess surprise birthday party at some fancy restaurant. Definitely Davis, Ashley, and Chloe are there preparing. Or what," she tried again and he still ignored her.

    It was her birthday, and he had vowed to make her happy, he just hopes this surprise makes her as happy as he had presumed and that it also makes his Ashley happy. He drove on ignoring the whiny birthday girl seated beside him.

       "Greg!" She tried yelling also and he still ignored her. For real ignoring her was starting to get fun, "you are an asshole."

      "You don't call your own brother an asshole," Greg said not quite believing his ears. He glanced at her and saw that she had that cute pout on her face again, and it was funny. "Whoever told you that you are pretty whenever you pout. Tell that dude he is lying! Okay."

     "Greg!" she exclaimed hitting his upper arm, and did he feel it, yes, he did. Wherever did she learn to throw punches like that. "Its always you and Davis that tells me how cute I am when I pout."

       "It is either we were lying, or the both of us need a serious eye checkup," he said laughing.

    Nora didn't reply him but instead awarded him with series of punches. He just kept on laughing. No matter how painful the punches were he wasn't gonna budge. When he got to their destination, he drove into the compound with a wary smile on his face, he was scared on how Nora would react. He needed her to be happy.

     "We are here," he said.

    "Is this it, did you by any chance buy this mansion for me as a birthday present." Nora asked as she stepped out of his car, staring at the building before her with admiration. He couldn't look at the building that way, this was where all the memories lied, everything, and he had brought her there. "Where is my keys? Hand it over."

      "Let's go in, your surprise is waiting," he said ignoring her outstretched hand. He walked into the house with Nora closely beside him.

     "Wait what, the house is not the surprise, then what is it? I'm dying out of curiosity here."

     "We are almost in Nora," he said opening the door to the house. Once he was in his smile faltered a bit, he was scared as to how Nora would take him bringing her here, would she be happy?

      "Son, is that you? I'm in the kitchen," he heard his father's voice call out to him. Greg hesitated before going into the kitchen. He hated that particular place in the house, he couldn't take out the unpleasantness that comes with it. He was about going in when a tiny hand pulled him back, he turned to see Nora's blue eyes glassy with unshed tears, he went closer to her immediately not being able to bear slight tears on Nora's face. If she didn't like it there then he wouldn't hesitate to take her out.

      "Is this my surprise?" She asked him, close to tears. He couldn't tell if she was happy or sad which was killing him slowly. "My Father?"

   "Yes Nora, this is it," he took in a deep breath as he said this. "I'm sorry if its..." His rambling was cut off when Nora hugged him tight.

      "Thanks Greg, you are the best brother anyone could ask for," she said sobbing into his shirt. Greg was very happy that she was happy. He hugged her closer grateful to the fact that he listened to Ashley, and more so for the fact that he had an Ashley in his life.

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