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   Quote of the day: Find what you love doing and watch yourself grow with it.

     Ashley stared at her father with nothing but profound hatred. She always knew her father had a mean streak in him, the hell she could testify he was wicked but she would never had suspected that he would kill her mother. Her hatred for him knew no bounds, he was the cause of everything that ever happened. He was the reason why she couldn't have a normal life, the reason why what happened two years ago happened. Now he wanted some sick revenge, and he was going to expose her to Greg to get his revenge, she could tell from the things he had been saying.

    She couldn't help but think of several scenarios of how Greg would react, she still couldn't stare up at him to see his reaction after he found out that she was Hunt Wells daughter. She knew he would be highly disappointed in her that she didn't tell him, and he would be even more disappointed if her father was able to achieve his aim.

  She looked towards Mr Marshall, he was also tied with chains, the man was staring at her father with hatred, and he deserved it. She wondered how the man would feel when he found out that everything he thought he knew was a lie, or worse when he found out that her father was the one who plotted everything. Tears stung her eyes as these thoughts ran though her mind.

   She was broken, hurt and felt very guilty, and even more she was afraid. Afraid of what Greg would think of her, Afraid of what he would do to her, she couldn't bear to have him look at her with disgust or hatred again, no she couldn't. She just couldn't bear to have the man she loved look at her that way, yes, she loved him, a great deal at that.

   Her heart swelled with the realization, she looked over at him to see him staring at her with compassion, sadness, and pity. Ashley was mortified, she couldn't believe he would still feel compassionate towards her even after finding out about her father, she felt her heart do a dance of joy. He smiled at her, a reassuring and comforting smile, at that moment she wanted to believe that everything would be okay, but she knew otherwise. This was the end for her.

        "How about we travel down memory lane," her father said. He dropped the coffee in his hand on the tray that was still lying on the dead body of the priest. She wanted to choke him on the holy robe he was wearing but there was no way she could. Although her hands were untied, but she only had her right hand for use, and there was nothing she could do with her right hand when her legs were immobile. The chains her father used wasn't something she could get out of, it had a lock, and the keys were in his pocket.

    "How about you let us know what you want, haven't you done enough harm?" Greg asked with anger.

     "No son, that question should be thrown at this two," her father said pointing to her and Mr Marshall. He walked up closer to them, looking down at Mr Marshall he started talking. "It was all your fault, yes your fault."

      "My fault?" Mr Marshall asked. His voice sounded a little bit like that of his son at the moment. "If I remember clearly you are the one who couldn't let go of a married woman."

       "You are the one who stole my woman and child!" Her father screamed, and she was getting highly pissed, Greg wasn't his child, he needed to understand that fact.

      "I'm not your child, and I will never be!" Greg said in a very deadly voice. Her father stood up with a hurt look in his eyes, it almost looked like he couldn't believe what Greg had said.
     "But you are, Kane you are..."

    "Stop calling me Kane!" Greg yelled making her and her father flinch. It was a surprise her father could be affected.

   "But you used to let me call you Kane," he walked up to Greg as he said this, "don't you remember how I always took you to school, to the playgrounds, don't you remember how I used to wipe your snorts," at this point it was beginning to sound like he was crying, but she couldn't tell. "You and I were so close Kane, whenever Cassie was away we would always..."

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