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Quote of the day: Running away doesn't solve everything, sometimes you have to face every issue head on. It is for yourself as much as it is for anyone.

Dedicated to : Glownator

  The first thing Greg noticed as he got to work that day was that Ashley hadn't arrived, did she forget to set her alarm again? He fervently wished that was the reason why she wasn't at work yet.

   What if she has decided to leave work even without resignation letter?  He tried to take his mind off her, but as the clock struck noon he knew she hadn't plan on coming in today. To say he was angry was an understatement, he was furious, most of his important work had dragged on without his ever efficient secretary. He hadn't even realized how important her work was, but she definitely knew this.

    "Hello, can you ask Miss Anderson to come see me in my office, now!" he said placing a call through to  the reception. He dropped the receiver and waited for Miss Anderson, he should have just called Ashley himself but then that wouldn't be so professional, would it?

  He heard a knock on the door and the door opened gently welcoming in Miss Anderson, she looked scared like he had called her to eat her up. He chuckled lightly at that thought.

  "Mr Marshall, you asked of me," Miss Anderson said as she got to his desk.

"Its nothing much, Is Ashley ok?" he asked, concern evident in his voice. There was no use hiding it, he was concerned about her.

   "Ahhh..." She gave him a knowing smile before replying him, "she is fine, she said she took leave from you for the day."

  "Oh she did... Ok you l can go," he dismissed her. He wanted to ask her why Ashley wanted to resign but  decided not to.

  "She seemed a little sick to me, she was acting unusual and dismissed it whenever I brought up the topic," Miss Anderson suddenly said bringing him out of his thought, he didn't even realize that she hadn't left.

  "Ok... " he said, not knowing how he was to reply to that. She left afterward. He just sat at his desk staring at his computer, his mind drifted off to Ashley again, what was wrong with her? He just couldn't figure her out, and what the heck was she so guilty about? Maybe he should just let her go, he  can get another secretary, she looked like she would do anything not to work for him again.

  After several minutes of unproductive sitting in his office, and staring at his computer he decided he might just leave the office altogether.
Within minutes of making that decision, he got to his car and dismissed  his driver, his intention was to go home but it seemed like his hands had other intentions.


   Ashley stepped out of the church feeling a little bit lighter, like a heavy weight had been lifted off her chest. She had confessed everything to the priest. She wasn't really a believer neither was she an atheist, but she won't deny the fact that God did exist, neither would she question him about his whereabout all those times when things were unbearable for her. She felt better after confiding in someone, she knew she needed to talk to someone, Chloe was out of the question because she doesn't even know how Chloe would react and again she was afraid of been judged, but talking to a priest whom she doesn't know in turn doesn't even know her was better. She remembered what the priest had told her.

   "Do you think running away again will solve this? It will continue to haunt your memory and I'm sorry to say, your life may turn out more miserable than ever. I know telling you to confess and take up the blame for what you did is a little bit hard  for now, but it is something you will have to do eventually as that is the best option. In the mean time, while you are still deciding, why  don't you stay longer working for him, helping him the best way you can. It is like you are asking for forgiveness silently before you will be able to do it openly."

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