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Quote of the day: stay positive, negativity takes away the self esteem in you, so always be positive.

  Ashley had the nightmare again; its been almost six months since she last had it, but now it was back in full force. She remembered what she did, she remembered how her father had abandoned her when things got worse, leaving her to her own mercy. She had started to forget everything, the nightmares hadn't even come back when she saw Greg again, but it came back in full force when she saw her father again.

   Ashley opened her eyes, they were a little heavy, it felt like she was been forced to stay asleep and she couldn't open it. So she just stayed there lying down, closing her eyes and not sleeping.

   She felt a hot breath beside her cheeks, her heart did a flip then. Ashley knew who it was, it was Greg. She could smell him, why was he sleeping on her bed beside her? he had left her room to receive a call.

   Ashley remembered hearing a voice calling on to her when she was sleeping, was that Greg? 
  She tried opening her eyes again and this time she did so successfully. She turned on her side and came face to face with Greg's handsome face. He looked so peaceful while sleeping and he was still in his clothes from yesterday.

  Ashley laid there for some time just staring at his face. She studied every corner of his well sculpted face, the sun seeping in through the window blinds made him looked like an otherworldly being... And sweet Jesus his lips were looking very inviting.

  She looked at his silky hair, and wanted nothing more but to bask in it. She touched it lightly and smiled, his hair felt so silky and soft. She traced his eyelashes, although it was creepy that she was doing this, but she couldn't help it. His eyelashes were long and full for a guy, but the most interesting thing in his body was his eyes and she couldn't see it now.

  Her hand lingered longer on his face tracing his perfect jawline, then she remembered something awful. Her father had seen her with Greg... Oh no.

  What would he be thinking?

There was no way her father would not recognize Greg, he was a child he had once cherished more than his own daughter.

  Oh lord, what was gonna happen now? What if her father tries something stupid?  Greg could be in danger because of her.

  She was once again going to be the cause of Greg's misfortune.

  She should have just left when she found out who she was working for.

  Damn she shouldn't have listened to that damned priest.

  What was she gonna do now? She felt like the burden of the whole world was on her shoulder. She had felt that way ever since that night two years ago, and she feared there was no way to ease that burden.

    "Are you kinda bipolar?" She jerked hearing a husky male voice say to her, then she remembered that Greg was on her bed. Her hand was still on his face, and his eyes were now open staring at her. His green eyes held amusement and curiosity. Ashley took her hand from his face but he placed it back on his cheeks, "I like your touch."

   "Why would you think that I'm bipolar, its you we need to check. Like who the heck wakes up in the morning and ask that sort of question instead of a good morning?" She said remembering the first thing he had said to her. She tried taking her hand away from his face again, but he placed it back there, holding her hand in place, not letting go.

    "Well what can I say, one minute you had been so engrossed in checking out my face and the next you have this distant look on your face," he said. This made her blush crimson red, how the heck did he know she was checking him out? He was supposed to be asleep. Ashley decided she won't answer him, she was far too embarrassed to.

   "What are you doing on my bed?" She asked with a glare.

    "Don't you like the fact that I'm in your bed?" he asked instead of replying with a glint in his green eyes.

  "I don't," she lied.

  "We both know that is a lie... But I won't bug you about it since  I'm so kind." He gave her a wide grin as he said so. She felt butterflies springing to life in the pit of her stomach, damn she just wants to kiss his delicious lips right at this moment, wasn't it wrong to want a person that much?

  "But still why were you in my bed?" She asked with all curiosity.

   "Nothing happened between us last night unfortunately," he said with a cute pout, " if that was what you are worried about."

   "Mr Marshall!" she called with a warning tone.

   "Stop calling me Mr Marshall its brutal," he said with feigned sadness.  Ashley gave him a stern look."Ok if you are so curious I just kinda fell asleep beside you that's all." This explanation only got her more confused. "Look you had a nightmare last night and I just got worried that you might have it again. So I decided to stay with you for a while, but fell asleep."

  Ashley realized then that it was his voice she had heard at night. She was kinda scared that he would ask about her nightmare but thankfully he didn't, he must have guessed how painful the subject was to her. He instead closed his eyes again in pretense sleep, and opened it after a few seconds.

   "Good morning," he said happily with a sweet smile. She was confused as hell, but what he did next wiped all confusion away. He planted his lips on hers in a light kiss, his lips was gone as soon as she had felt it there. As light as the kiss was she couldn't help but freeze. She stared at him with wide eyes, and he just laughed at her.

   "Can't you even murmur a simple good morning," he said getting up from the bed, but she still couldn't answer, it was like she was hypnotized. "Don't go about saying  I'm the bipolar one here, I decided to start this morning afresh but it seems you are just not a morning person," he laughed probably at the look on her face. "Come on Ashley, it was just a kiss." He stood and walked out of her room.

  She wanted to hit him but she couldn't, because she was still busy playing the fool who had just been kissed by the hot kid.

   "We're leaving for New York today, so please try to get ready Miss Wells." She heard him call from outside. The Miss Wells thingy kinda dropped her back in her right senses.

  Ashley was shocked. Greg had kissed her like it was the most normal thing to do, and she had handled the situation pretty well.. Yayyy go Ashley.

God she had acted so stupidly.

  But for real Greg was bipolar, he can't just go from hostile to being all loving, it doesn't happen anywhere.

  But why had she frozen that way when he kissed her? It wasn't the first time, maybe because she hadn't been  expecting it.

  She shook her head and slapped her cheeks. "Get your acts together Ashley,  he is Greg Marshall, you definitely can't have anything with him." She assured herself. But sweet Jesus she wanted to have more than anything with him.

  Chapter seventeen.
Mary Aden. 

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