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  Quote of the day: though there will be darkness, but believe it after that darkness comes light.

    Ashley tried to force herself awake, trying to see if she could wake up, but it was proving to be hard. She felt as though something heavy was sitting on her. She wanted to wake up from this dreadful state badly, but couldn't.

    It was terrifying, there were several pictures floating through her mind, pictures of her father, and of Greg's eyes. She felt paralyzed as she couldn't wake up, all she could do was lay there stiff and watch as her most horrible night flashed before her eyes.

     Her head felt heavy with pain, she couldn't tell how long she had been there, but she knew it had to have been long. She tried to remember why she was lying on a spot, how she got there.

    She remembered leaving Greg's office, heading home, then she remembered the car, the car that her father had been driving, her eyes flew open with fear, and this time she succeeded in prying them open. She blinked a few times to see if she could make sense of where she was.

   She found herself staring at a white ceiling, she turned her head sideways to see a side table. She looked beyond the table and saw a certain brunette lying on a couch, crouched up in the weirdest way possible, definitely sleeping.

     She didn't need anyone to tell her that she was in a hospital, she could see the clear signs, but since when did hospitals start looking like hotel rooms?

    She saw Chloe shift lazily on the couch, she wondered how she is able to sleep comfortably on the tiny thing. Chloe's eyes opened slowly and when they fell on her she got up immediately and ran towards her.

      "Oh Ashley, you are awake, finally," Chloe said sobbing lightly. 

   Ashley raised her hand up to pat Chloe's brunette hair, that was when she saw it, her left arm was wrapped in a 'short arm cast,' that would only mean that one of her bones was broken. It had to be her wrist, she felt most of the pain coming from there. She couldn't say how she felt about a broken wrist, but she was grateful to still be alive. Chloe raised her head up, her grey orbs were teary, it tug at Ashley's heart.

   She tried sitting up, when Chloe noticed this and got into action helping her, "how long have I been out?"
     "Its been over 24 hours Ashley, how could you do this to me?" Chloe screamed dramatically, typical.

    "I'm sorry Chloe," she said.

    "No, don't apologize, how did it happen?" She asked staring at her with outmost curiosity.

    "It was him Chloe," she said. Chloe's eyes went wide with fear immediately.

      "I knew it, I knew it had to be him, I just knew it," Chloe said with fear. "Wait, let me call Greg to let him know you are awake."

     "No!" She screamed snatching Chloe's phone out of her hand. "You can't call him... I... I broke up with him, and I resigned," she said this with fear, she wasn't sure of how Chloe would react.

       "I know, and I'm angry."

     "You know? How?"

      "Yes, he told me," Chloe said with a glare. "I was so scared when I got the call, so I just went up to him immediately, unaware that you guys broke up."

     "He knows about my accident?" Ashley asked quietly. She didn't want him to know, she needed to be as far away from him as possible.

      "Of course, why do you think you are in a VIP ward?" Chloe said with an eye roll.

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