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  Quote of the day: it is okay not to be okay, everyone has a different meaning of the word okay.

   Chloe stood up from the freaking chair, she wasn't at peace and the chair was no longer comforting her. She started pacing about and began to wonder where Ashley could possibly be. Her heart didn't want to believe it but her brain was telling her that that crazy man has already gotten a way to her.

   Chloe had been in her office when she got a call from Nora saying Ashley was missing. Her heart hadn't been stable ever since, now she was at Greg's house pacing around his sitting room. Her imagination had ran wilder than it ever did. The most frustrating aspect was that Ashley's phone was ringing but she wasn't answering, and it was so unlike Ashley. Now to top it all off, Greg wasn't picking his call also, and for that Davis had gone to check him up at the office.

     "She is no where near the store you said?" Chloe asked, staring at Nora who was seated on a couch. Nora was white with fear. Chloe wanted to comfort her but at this moment, she herself wasn't comforted.

      "No, we searched," Nora answered quietly.

       "And why the heck had she been so hellbent on leaving that she had to subject herself to taking someone else's clothes?" Chloe was at this point furious at Ashley and herself. It seemed as though Ashley was purposefully walking into danger.

    The door opened and in walked Davis still with a frustrated look, that would only mean he hadn't found anything helpful. He walked up to them and sat closely beside Nora, who in turn looked at him with hope.

      "He isn't at his office," Davis said, frustration was written all over his face. "His driver said he had dismissed him and left hurriedly. This is one reason I always ask this stupid guy to let me know of his whereabouts."

       "How about his phone?" Chloe asked expectantly, hoping that there would be something to at least grasp on.

       "He is still not picking his damn phone!" He yelled. For the first time ever since she had known him, Davis actually yelled. Surprise! "Nora have you tried calling him, he never ignores your call." He looked at Nora.

       "I have, and he is also not picking up."

      "I'm trying to tell myself that maybe Greg and Ashley were actually on a rendezvous together," Chloe knew the word rendezvous sounded a little archaic but, she loved all things archaic.

      "And I'm also trying to soothe myself by believing that they eloped," Davis said with a chuckle. "But we both know that isn't what happened."

      "Yeah," Chloe said totally frustrated herself.

    The door opened again to welcome the blonde bodyguard, Gage with a laptop in hand. He walked with a gait that was clearly unusual, but nothing about those two guys had been usual.

      "Anything?" Davis asked.

    "We have been able to track down Miss Ashley's phone," he said taking a seat opposite Davis, "her phone says that she is at St. Mathews church..."

      "But..." Chloe interrupted. She could always sense the but coming in, in a sentence. And she was really impatient.

      "But..." Gage said giving her a weird look, and then he turned towards Davis and Nora again. "The church is empty from the looks of it. There is no one in the main church and the nuns are all in the convent. We have made an effort to question them, and none of them had seen Miss Ashley."

        "Then where could she be?" Nora asked in a very scared voice. Chloe saw Davis encircling his arms around her, definitely to calm her.

        "At the church," Gage said.

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