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  Quote of the day : For everything that happens there is a reason, so keep calm and let fate take its cause.

      Blinking furiously, her head was aching so much it felt as though it was been pounded on. Her nose itched her, something smelt awful in the air.  Ashley looked about but everything looked blurry to her. The floor underneath her felt hard and rough, and the fact that she was wearing a sleeveless clothe didn't help.  She felt pain shoot up from her left wrist, she tried to reach for it but felt restrained. Her hands were tied tightly at her back by the elbow, he must have taken her broken wrist into consideration.

   She was laid down on her right side. She tried sitting up but as you can already assume her legs were tied together by the ankle. She blinked again trying to make sense of her surroundings. By the time her head stopped spinning and she could see clearly, what she saw made her heart drop to the pit of her stomach.

    Lying opposite her was the priest, the dead priest. He was right in front of her, facing upward, his brown eyes was still wide open. The awful smell was now understandable to her. The blood on his white robe was dried up, and it was emitting some bad smell. She felt nauseated at the sight, and she also felt guilt ripping through her heart. She had once again been the cause of a person's misfortune.

   She glanced around the room she was in, it seemed like they were no longer at the church. The room was empty safe for a single bed that looked like it hadn't been in use for ages. She looked towards the tiny door that was right behind the dead priest. She could see a tiny window from her peripheral vision, but nothing else aside that.

   She wondered how long she would have to stay there, but even more, she wondered how long she had before her death. She knew death was around the corner for her, she could smell it in the air, she saw it looking and laughing at her through the glass of a two sided mirror.

   The pain from her wrist was getting worse, it felt like someone was ripping it apart. She tried as much as possible to endure the pain, it wouldn't be the first time she had had to endure so much pain. Thinking about this her thoughts went back to the incident that took place two years ago, it was all coming to an end now. The door cringed open drawing her attention towards it, she looked up and stared at the hazel eyed man that walked in. The man who had eyes so similar to hers.

      He was dressed in a black robe, he must have stolen it from the church. His brown hair was a lot more shorter than it had been when she saw him at Spain. He walked in with a stoic face which was greatly unusual, her father had always been a man that expressed exactly how he felt on his face, be it love or hatred that she was so used to.

    He crossed over the body lying on the floor, he glanced at it and continued walking towards her. Once he got to her front, he bent forward, "hello daughter, did you miss me?" Still with that poker face. 

   Ashley wanted to reply him but didn't, she knew better. Her father didn't like being interrupted when talking, so even though he asked a question, don't answer unless he asked you for an answer, complicated right.

     He forcefully raised her up by her left arm, it hurt a great deal. He sat her down legs stretched out in front of her, he raised her chin up with an index finger, his hand was rough against her skin. Fear crept up her body as thoughts of what he could possibly do to her crossed her mind, he was the only one capable of emitting such fear from her.

       "Well I missed you, for two years now there's being absolutely no one to rant to, no one wanted to seat and listen to whatever I had to say. You are the only one who listened to everything I say without judging me, both the bad and the good things I had done." He said, standing up from his kneeling position. She remembered it all, she had always been his trash can where he dumped every single one of his emotions.

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