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Quote of the day : Hold every single memory close to your heart because when people leave that is all you will be left with.

    Ashley stared at Chloe's reflection through her mirror still finding it hard to believe that Chloe was actually going on a date, like Chloe Anderson was going on a date.

  So basically they have been back at their apartment for a week now and everything seems to be back to normal, Greg had promised to have her come back to work when her wrist fully heals. He had her switching between his house and her apartment several times that she was beginning to wonder if it wasn't a better idea for to just stay put at his house once and for all.

     Greg hadn't spoken much about Nora's birthday ever since that day but she could tell he was seriously considering what she had said, he had even begun to visit his father again. She had followed him once and it was awkward as hell, but it will all be okay, it may take time, but it will. Back to Chloe, she was going on a date and she still hasn't mentioned the name of the guy she was going out with.

     "Come on Chloe, who is the lucky guy?" Ashley asked pleading.

      "Its a surprise," she said with a smile, adding a few touches here and there to her makeup. And you must be glad to know that she was now a pro at this makeup thingy.

         "Ok how long have you known him for?"

       "Close to five months now," she answered casually, but it wasn't any causal issue.  

       "Five months! You've known him for five freaking months and you didn't think to tell me!" She was right now yelling, who would have thought Chloe could hide a thing like that? But then how could she have had a guy without her suspecting it.

       "Calm your balls girl, he is hot if you must know," she said rolling her eyes.

     "Chloe I hope this is not one of those pranks where you are actually going for one of your babies concert and you are calling it a date?" She asked with a glare. It wouldn't be the first time it happens if it was actually a concert, because most times when Chloe says she's going on a date she actually means a concert of one of her babies.

     "No Ashley its a real date, with a real guy," Chloe said and just then the doorbell rang. "Go get the door please, it must be him."

   Ashley Wells stood up quite eagerly ready to see the guy that got Chloe's panties in knots. She opened the front door to see a very surprising sight. Right on her front porch, dressed in a blue tuxedo, with a red bow tie, and a bouquet in hand stood none other than Gregory Kane Marshall. She quickly glanced at her body and she was in a pink short and pink top, just nice.

     "Hello," he said with a charming smile.

     "Hi," she said. She began to wonder if he had fixed a date that she had forgotten about, because he hadn't told her he was coming. "Come in."

        "There is no need I won't be here for long," he said politely. "I'm only here to pick my date."

       "Your date?" She asked with uncertainty. "Greg, you didn't tell me we had a date."

      "About that Ashley. Do you remember sometimes ago when we were arguing and you said I had no other person to visit here aside you." She nodded not sure where he was going with this. "Well today I'm actually here for Chloe."

      "What!!" Ashley yelled with unbelief. She knew it had to be a joke, but right then Chloe came into the sitting room looking all gorgeous, and Greg smiled at her. Well that was normal they were also good friends.

     "You are quite early, and is that for me?" Chloe asked standing beside her pointing to the bouquet in Greg's hand. Ashley wanted to scoff at Chloe but unfortunately Greg smiled and handed the bouquet to her.

      "Yes, it is for you," Greg said, smiling at Chloe. "Shall we?"

      "Oh sure," Chloe said and turned to her. "Keep this in my room for me please." Chloe stepped out once she handed the bouquet to her and slung her arm with Greg.

     "I will make sure to return her safely," Greg said and bent forward kissing her lightly. When he turned to go to his car she pulled him back, ready to fill up her curiosity.

      "Why are you going on a date with Chloe?" She asked with a deadly quiet voice.

      "Mi amor, it is nothing to worry about. Chloe is your friend, isn't she?" He said with a mischievous glint in his eyes. She could tell that he and Chloe were planing something but she couldn't say what it was.

     "But Greg..."

     "Sheesh my love, I will be back before you know it," he said putting a finger on her lips.

     "Ok bye, take care of that noisy girl," she said dismissing him, taking his finger off her lips. She had an ubiquitous pout which she couldn't hide right on her mouth.

     "I sure will," he said with a smile and went over to his car. Ashley watched as they both got in, and she was happy when she saw that he didn't open the door for Chloe like he always did for her. The reason she was happy she couldn't fathom.

    If there was one thing she was sure of, it was that both Chloe and Greg loved her and they wouldn't do anything to hurt her. Several minutes later she closed the door with her right hand, resting the bouquet on her left arm. She busied herself with doing the little things that needed doing at the house and afterwards she engaged in some light exercise for her wrist which her therapist advised so as to aid the  healing process.

    When she was done with all this and was left with nothing else to do so she decided she would see a movie. She finally settled down on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and got busy watching 'Gods of Egypt.' Yeah, yeah, she knew it was an old movie but she loved it, and it was all because she loved Egypt so much. It is one of the countries she plans on visiting in the nearest future. The movie was able to take her mind off the fact that her boyfriend just went on a date with her best friend, but soon enough she was thinking about it.

  She kept on glancing at the wall clock to check the time that was particularly slow that day, she soon gave up hope and fell asleep on the couch, popcorn and remote in hand.


   Ashley felt a hand caressing her arm, she opened her eyes to see Greg's green ones and sat up immediately with a smile. "You are back."


    " was your date?" She asked with an edge in her voice, watching him with scrutiny.

     "It was fun," he said with a genuine smile pulling at the bow tie on his neck. It was obvious this guy was hiding something, she was about speaking again when he beat her to it, "I know you are curious about why I went on a date with Chloe."


    "Well, you have nothing to worry about. I just came to check up on you before heading home." He said standing up from the couch, just like that.

      "Really, you are just going to leave me hanging," she said giving him a glare.

       "Later Ashley, I have work tomorrow." She watched him as he left her apartment, it wasn't until she had successfully burnt holes with her eyes into his body before she saw Chloe seated on the couch opposite her.

   She knew Chloe would definitely tell her if Greg doesn't, but before she could talk, Chloe stood up.

      "I'm so tired." Chloe stretched lazily getting up with style,  "I need to get some sleep."

  And just like that Chloe also left her hanging. Ashley was really pissed off, she didn't like the idea of the two of them hiding things from her. She angrily picked up the popcorn that had scattered on the floor from her weird sleeping position and dumped it in the kitchen before heading to her room.

   Chapter forty eight.
Mary Aden.

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