Cute things he does around you

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Stan: When he tried really hard not to vomit on you. He thinks it's embarrassing but you think it's cute how he has to cover his mouth and look away

Kenny: How much he cares for his sister. Like you think it's so adorable how he would do anything for Karen

Kyle: How red he gets around you. Sometimes all it takes is for you to smile at him for his face to get darker than his hair

Eric: How he tries to be nicer to you than anyone else. Like he'll get all fluster when he tries to ask you on a date or when he wants to give you something.

Craig: How excited he gets about things to you. Like he'll be acting normal, but he'll see some space thing and be all like " GASSSPPP! Look y/n it's an Apollo space ship!!! Please can we get it??"

Tweek: How he tries really hard to display his affection. Like if you guys are walking beside each other he'll try to grab your hand, and you think it's cute

Clyde: How clingy is. He always wants your attention, and you think its adorable

Token: How he's like the mom of his group of friends. Like he's always taking care of his friends, even though it obviously annoys the fuck outta him.

Jimmy: His stutter. He kinda hates it and gets annoyed with it, but you love it and thinks it's cute

Butters: That shy finger twiddling thing(search it up). Whenever he wants to ask you out, or like wants to tell you something he does it, and it's so precious 

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