It's Corona Time! : Online Learning

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{A/n~I started online learning today so yea here's some online learning for ya'll}


+Stan would be stoned as fuck not paying attention to the lesson

+All of a sudden you join and he's like 

+ "omg is that y/n! Hi!...She's so pretty!"

+Everyone instantly gets annoyed 

+Ya'll start having your own conversation on the group call


+ Of course kyle would be trying to be a scholar

+ He would always glance at your screen though

+You'd just be chilling and not listening

+Also while Kyle is trying to learn you'd text him dirty things to distract him


+Ya'll would be annoying as fuck

+You would be cracking shitty jokes and laughing mad loud

+You'd also become a hot cheeto girl/boy?

+You would not let the teacher teach to save your lives

+Everyone would hate you guys


+ He doesn't have a laptop

+He comes over to your place

+You both try to pay attention

+He starts getting handsy

+First you turn off the camera

+then the sound

+Spicy times

+You guys come back on like nothing ever happened


+You guys were not paying the least bit of clothing

+To be honest you were both doing inappropriate things when the teacher wasn't looking

+ It became a game

+The whole class was laughing and the teacher was none the wiser

+"Hey y/n wanna skip?"

+"Fuck yea"

+Ya'll disconnected and didn't come back on for the rest of the day


+Tweek wasn't really paying attention

+You got his attention

+ You guys texted for a while but then got bored

+Long story short you guys ended up having your own cooking show on the call

+Even the teacher was asking questions and shit


+You too were playing Imessage games

+You felt bad so you made a groupchat for the class

+You guys had all kinds of tournaments 

+ the teacher was not any wiser


+Clyde was being annoying as fuck

+All he wanted was attention and no one was giving it to him

+He even fucking played the Pornhub sound to get some attention{this happened in one of my classes today}

+He got kicked out of the fucking call


+he wasn't on the call

+you were 

+nothing more for me to really say...


+ You were both on the call being good students

+You two were the only ones your teachers didn't fucking hate

+you guys get a cookie!

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