Him protecting you

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{A/n~Ima try to do christmas preferences bc I might not have time tmr, so yea. and this story is like them protecting you from a bully}


+ he's not that much of a physical guy

+ If he has to he will throw some hands

+ Like bro he'll yell n' shit

+ It mainly depends on the situation


+ he's going all the way

+ like bro he's fighting what or whoever he has to 

+ unless it really isn't that serious then he's fighting

+ He has extreme anger issues when it comes to you


+ He's not into fighting physically when it comes to protecting you

+ He likes to emotional abuse people

+ Every once in a while he'll beat someone's ass


+ He's lowkey a pacifist 

+ He'll fight to protect you if necessary 

+ He'd rather not fight to protect you though


+ He'd fight to protect you

+ He'd always get beat up but he'd win

+ You'd actually prefer him to use a safer method

+ He doesn't listen to you though


+ He'd be pretty pacifistic 

+ If someone were to put their hands on you then that a different story

+ Yo he'd like beat the shit outta someone who touched you

+ You'd have to pry him off of someone to get him to stop


+ He'd do a lot to protect you

+ Like bro he'd punch someone

+ He wouldn't beat someone up tho

+ You don't mind though

+ You are just lucky to have him to protect you


+ Surprisingly enough he'd beat up someone one to protecc you

+ Like he'd try to bring down the situation

+ If that fails he's punching someone in the face

+ Like he'd get a suspension to protect you


+ Yo like he'd fight someone under the most extreme circumstance

+ He'll find the most unique ways to protec you

+ Bro he don't play those types of games


+ He's more of a comforter

+ He wouldn't really fight anyone

+ He'd just be there after

+ He tried to fight once

+ That didn't end well

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