What you'd for Christmas

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{A/n~ I know I'm late and I should have posted this yesterday, but I was lazy. At least I wrote it}


He would have snuck over to your house on Christmas Eve, and you two would have opened presents, eat cookies, watch movies, cuddle etc, on Christmas


He doesn't celebrate Christmas, but since you celebrated Hanukkah with him, he would come to your house and get you a few presents for Christmas


Eric and his mom invited you over. You guys opened presents at his house, and his mom made you guys a delicious dinner.


He couldn't afford much but he bought you this huge ass bear to make up for it, he also gave you a little Christmas magic if you know what i mean *wink*


You would have bought him a shit ton of stuff he wanted. He would have gotten you like a whole bunch gift cards. You guys spent most of Christmas making out


His parents would be at the coffee shop for Christmas so you would come over. You guys would do like regular Christmas stuff opening presents etc.


He'd spoil you with tons of gifts. You'd return the favor with multiple kisses. You guys would have fun on Christmas,  if you know what I mean


He'd come over your house in like a onesie at 8:00 in the morning. you guys would excitedly open presents. He be spamming snap with the gift(s) you got him. Ya'll would probs fuck at night


He'd waste no time. He'd get like get you one shitty gift and you'd do the same. definitely Christmas fucking. 


He wouldn't be able to come over during the day vise versa. He's sneak into your house at night. You'd open presents then. You'd also make cookies. Ya'll would sleep in your bed.

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