Pregnancy pranks

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{ So this was a request and it's basically you guys telling his parents you're pregnant as a prank and their reactions.}

Stan: His mom was like "Why would you lie about being pregnant?!" and then his dad would be all like "you're joking right? obviously Y/n wouldn't willing want to have sex with stan..." Yep you decide not prank his ppl anymore

Kyle: His mom was PISSED. his dad was just like "O-oh"

Eric: His mom would be kind of sad she won'f be getting any grandparent

Kenny: They laughed. they thought it was funny.

Craig: They were like shocked until you guys told them it was a prank. Then they were relived

Tweek: Oop they were panicking and saying they were bad parents etc. you had to hit them with that "it was a prank"

Token: They were disappointed and were trying to show it. Once they found out it was a prank they slightly liked you less.

Clyde: He hits you guys with an enthusiastic "THAT's great." Then you say it's a prank, and hes like "oh...that's also...great,"

Jimmy: disappointed until proven otherwise

Butters: You did not try this prank becaus eyou valued your relationship.

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