Chapter One

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Life With Demi Lovato

Natalie's POV

'Are all your bags packed?' I heard my mum yell.

I sighed. 'Yeah. I'll go put them in the car'.

My mum was sending me to a care home. My own mother was actually giving me up.

It took her a while to decide but once she found out I was cutting myself, she gave up.

My names Natalie. I'm a 14 year old self harming, suicidal, lesbian with an eating disorder. Doesn't all that seem fun?

I'm kidding.. It's not fun. It's exhausting.

I slept most of the way to the care home. I wasn't in the mood to talk to my mum.

'We're here' she said as we pulled up outside an old looking building with several stories.

My mum actually seemed happy which kinda annoyed me. She was sending her daughter to live in a care home and she didn't seem to have a care in the world.

Once we got inside the building, we were greeted by a women with a big, wide, smile.

'Hi! You must be Natalie, I'm Vanessa'

I smiled weakly. I was so broken, it was really hard to act happy.

'Behave yourself' is all my mum said.

I bent down and gave my little sister Ruby a hug. I was really mad with myself. When my my parents separated I set myself a goal and that was to be a good role model for my little sister. I couldn't of failed that more miserably.

I picked up my bags and followed Vanessa to my new room. I didn't even say goodbye to my mum.

'McKenzie , Jessica, come out here for a second' Vanessa smiled at me and explained that they were my room mates.

'Girls, this is Natalie. She'll be sharing the room with you'

'Hi, I'm Jessica. I'm sorry but I have to go so I'll see you later. Nice meeting you' she gave me a quick hug and took off running down the hallway.

'I'll leave you to unpack' Vanessa said and left me and McKenzie to get to know each other.

'Is she always that smiley?' I asked with a giggle.

'Who? Vanessa? Yeah. She's basically the mother figure of the house so I guess she has to be happy all of the time. Especially with people coming and wanting to adopt kids all of the time. She has to make a good impression. She's cool though, and very nice'

I smiled. I may or may not have a crush on this girl.

'And what about you? What are you like?' I asked slightly smirking.

'Me? Umm.. Well I guess I'm fun to be around? Haha I don't know' she looked nervous.

'You okay?' I asked with a smile, a real one.

For some reason this girl made me happy.

I walked over to where she was standing. She turned and faced me. Our faces were centimetres apart. I wanted to do nothing but kiss her. I think she had the same idea because she's the one who made the move.

We made out for a good five minutes. We were both out of breath, causing us to pull away.

She smirked and bit her lip. I smiled and walked back to bed and continued unpacking.

'Fun to be around, aye?' I asked still trying to recover from what happened. 'More like fun to make out with' I added whilst smirking.

There was a silence; I wouldn't say it was awkward but it was defiantly uncomfortable.

'Are we going to be all weird around each other because we've kissed? You seem nice and I really don't want this to ruin what could be a great friendship' She seemed annoyed but tried to cover her seriousness with a smile.

'I hope not because if we're going to be weird around each other, it would make kissing you again awkward'

She looked shocked 'You want to do it again?'

I bit my lip and nodded slightly making her blush.

'Well I'm sure that can be arranged' she said and walked over to my bed and sat next to me looking me straight in the eye.

'GUESS WHAT!!' Jessica came running into the room screaming

McKenzie and I both jumped and turned to the door.

'What?' We both said in sync.


'Aw Jess that's great, I'm happy for you' McKenzie said and gave her a hug.

Jessica packed her things and left.

'Nice meeting you, Natalie' she said and left without hesitation.

I cringed. Ever since my mum started thinking about giving me up, she never called me Nat. It was always Natalie and for that reason, I hated being called Natalie.

'You okay?' McKenzie asked as she sat back down next to me.

'Yeah, I just hate getting called Natalie, that's all'

She gave me an understanding and sympathetic look.

'Family troubles?'

'How'd you know?'

'Because I'm in the same boat. My parents weren't impressed with my grades or behaviour so they put me in here while they travel around Europe. They used to call me Kenzie but ever since I slipped up they always call me McKenzie. Now whenever someone calls me my whole name, it just reminds me of my parents and I hate it'

It was amazing how close I felt to this girl. I've known for an hour.


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