Chapter Nine

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It was 10pm and I couldn't sleep. Normally I'd text Demi and ask her to come and cuddle with me but she's completely oblivious to me.

Fucking Wilmer.

He kept staring at me. It was weird.

'Nat?' I heard Marisa ask as she poked her head in my room

'Yeah?' I asked.

'I have a problem' she said shamefully

'What's up'

'I love Demi'

I laughed 'I love Demi as well'

'No.. I mean.. I'm in love with her'

'Aww!' I squealed

'Shhh! She's asleep!' Marisa hissed and came and sat next to me

'You should tell her' I suggested

'No way. She loves Wilmer'

'Pu-lease' I said 'He's a total creep!'

'It doesn't matter. You and I both know that I love her more than Wilmer does but it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter how much more I love her or how much less he loves her because at the end of the day, Demi will always love him. I have no chance'

She looked like she was going to cry.

'Well I'll always love you' I said and smiled weakly

'And I'll always love you more' she said and kissed my head.

'Goodnight baby girl'

She was about to go back to her own room but I grabbed hold of her arm and pulled her back.

'Will you sleep with me? I'm lonely' I said

'Of course I will' she said and jumped into my bed next to me and embraced me in a bone breaking hug but oddly enough, I didn't mind.

I felt safe.


Three months later

I like her.

There's a girl in my class and I've fallen for her but, before I get into that, let's talk about Wilmer.

I hate him.

He's a creep.

Sure, he makes Demi happy but he doesn't give me any privacy nor happiness. He walks in on me in the shower most nights and he's raped me a few times.

He told me if I told Demi, he'd stab me and hurt Marisa so I haven't told anyone. I just hope someone walks in one night and sees him at his worse.

Like I said, I hate him.

Anyway, back to my girl crush.

We're pretty close. She knows about my past and she's really helping me.

She doesn't know I'm lesbian or that I like her. Marisa and Demi do though. I go home and talk about her all the time.


'I think I might love her' I announced as I walked through the door.

'Love who?' I heard Marisa question from the kitchen.

'Scarlet' I sighed. 'Can you even love someone you're not with?' I asked.

Marisa laughed and gave me a hug.

'You should tell her you like her'

'Yeah maybe not. She's straight and she has a boyfriend' I sighed.

'I guess where in the same boat' Marisa said quietly and kissed the side of my head.

'Where's Demi?' I questioned.

'In the lounge room'

I grabbed an apple and went to Demi.

'You like me?'


Scarlet was in my house.


She heard me talking to Marisa.

'Uhhh.... Yeah....'


I bolted up to my room.

'Fuck!!!' I screamed.

Well, so much for being friends with my crush.

'Baby what's wrong?' Marisa asked as she rushed into my room

'She heard everything! She was with Demi! She knows I like her' I sobbed.

'Who? Scarlet?'

'Yes!' I screamed in frustration.

Marisa laid me down on my bed and hugged me.

'I want to change schools'

'Nat.. That's a bit dramatic'

'No it's not! I want to change! I don't want to see her again'

'I thought you loved her..'

'I do and I shouldn't. I can't love another girl! It's wrong. Especially a straight girl. I have no chance with her and it hurts'

Marisa hugged me tighter that she already was and I fell asleep in hope of never waking up again.

I wanted to be dead.


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