Chapter Twenty-Two

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'Demi' I said sadly once we were on the plane to Texas.

'What's up?'

'Why am I still alive? I'm such a failure. I can't even comfort my own baby'

'What do you mean?' Demi asked

'Last night Sky was crying and Marisa was the only one who could calm her. I'm the one who carried that selfish mother fucker for nine months. I'm the one who went through a shit load of pain to give that child life. The least she can do is shut the fuck up when I'm trying to sleep'

Demi laughed

'First of all, not being able to calm baby doesn't make you a failure. You're only fourteen. You're not supposed to be stressing about weather you can or can't make a baby stop crying. Second, you're alive because you strong and worthy of life. And thirdly, you need to stop swearing. The last thing you want is your daughters first word to be a word she should never say'

'Where is Sky anyway?' Demi asked

'With Marisa and Scarlet'

'And where are they?'

'At the front of the plane talking to Max. I'm pissed of with Sky so I made Scarlet take her away'

'Why are you mad with a one week old baby?' Demi asked with a chuckle

'Because she doesn't love me' I replied sadly

'Go and get your baby and bring her here'




'She's so clueless of absolutely everything' I said to Demi and put Sky back on Demi's lap.

'She's a week old' Demi said for the fifth time

'She's so boring. She doesn't talk, doesn't crawl, she can't even sit without someone holding her'

'Natalie, she is one week old'

'Ugh just give her back to Marisa. At least Marisa is interested in her. Give her back to me when she starts being exciting'

Demi laughed and gave Sky back to me.

'Just hold her, okay? Just pretend you love her'

I lifted the baby up and looked into her deep brown eyes.

'You're so fucking boring. Do something fun!' I said to her.

Next thing you know, she threw up on me.

'Demi! She did something!'

'Oh Natalie that's so gross'

'But she did something! She listened to me!'

I turned Sky around and kissed her cheek.

'Good girl! I'm so proud of you!'

Demi took out her phone and took a photo and posted it to twitter.

Listening to @NattttLovato complain about having a boring baby and then praising her for throwing up.. Gotta love her 😂💗'

'Hey Sky' I whispered.

'Throw up on Demi' I said a little louder so Demi could hear

'Hey Sky, throw up on your mum again' Demi said and poked her tongue out at me.

To my surprise, Sky copied Demi and poked her tongue out and then smiled

'Oh my god! You're doing things! Demi! She copied you! You beautiful human being! I love you so much Sky!'

Demi laughed and took another few photos and then Sky fell asleep in my arms.


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