Chapter Thirty-One

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'Natalie?' Kenzie slowly said

'Come lay with meeeee' I whined

'I accidentally kinda told Demi and Marisa that we're together.. They sorta forced it out of me and I'm sorry please don't be mad' she blurted out.

'Its fine baby. I'm glad they know. Now please come and lay with me'

'Still want a dog?' She asked with a chuckle and climbed into bed with me.

'I have no fucking idea what that was about to be honest'

'It's called being manic.. I forgot to tell you when it first happened but whilst you were in hospital you got diagnosed with bipolar. Manic highs like that are normal so don't stress' a very tired Demi said with a warm smile.

'What time is it?'

'Almost 3am. Sky won't go to sleep' Demi complained

'Bring her up here. I can get her to sleep'

'Mar! Bring Sky here! Nat says she can get her to sleep!'

Marisa brought Sky into my room and sat her next to me.

She was getting so big. She turned two in four months. She's slowly learning how to walk and still doesn't talk but my god did she know how to scream.

She had really thick dark brown hair and big brown eyes and a tanned skin tone.

In other words, she's a baby girl version of Wilmer, which I hated but she's my baby and I love her. Very, very much.

'Make her sleep' Marisa said looking at me with tired eyes.

'Someone get my phone'

'Here babe' Kenzie said handing me my phone.

I started playing 'believe in me' and within the first minute of the song, Sky was asleep.

'How did you know that would work? ' Marisa asked quietly

'On the plane back from Texas she was crying and it was driving me mad. I put headphones in because music always calms me down and then I thought that maybe music would calm her down. 'Believe in me' was playing at the time and she fell asleep to it. Ever since, it's always put her to sleep'

'That's so cute' Demi cooed with a huge smile on her face.

'I'm going to put this one in bed. Goodnight girls' Marisa said and carefully took Sky from my arms.

'No inappropriate behaviour' Demi hissed with a wink.

'Goodnight momma' I said with a smile

'Goodnight baby girl'

Demi blew me a kiss and the closed my door.

'What did she mean by inappropriate behaviour?' Kenz asked with a smirk.

'Sex' I stated simply.

'So we can make out?' She asked

'Yeah as long as we're quiet. Why?'

'Let me rephrase that. Can we make out?'

'As long as we're quiet' I sad once again

'You're an idiot' Kenzie said with a laugh.

'I don't get it?'

'I want to kiss you!' She yelled and then laughed again.

'No inappropriate behaviour!!' Demi yelled from her room.

Sky then started crying.

'Ugggh!!!!' I screamed and threw my head into my pillow

🎶I'm losing myself

Trying to compete.

With everyone else.. Instead of just being me🎶

'Is that Demi?' Kenzie asked, pointing out the obvious.

'No shit, Sherlock'

Sky stopped crying and Demi stopped singing.

'No more yelling' Demi whisper-yelled into my room 'and no inappropriate behaviour' she added and closed my door again.

'Goodnight McKenzie' I said and wrapped my arms around her waist.

'I've missed your hugs' she whispered and held my arms.

'That was cheesy' I said with a slight and quiet laugh.

'Shh. Goodnight baby' she said

I kissed her shoulder and slowly drifted off to sleep.


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