Chapter Twenty-Five

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When I woke up, for a second time, I saw Demi and Marisa sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall with tears streaming down their faces.

'Hey' I said quietly.

They both looked up with shocked and scared faces.

'I thought you were dead!' Marisa cried

'The nurses told us you didn't make it' Demi sobbed and jumped on the bed and wrapped me in a tight.

'I was scared shitless!' Marisa said and continued crying.

'I love you both so much' I said and hugged them both.

'I promise I'll never do anything like this again. I promise this will be the last time were ever in a hospital because of one of my suicide attempts'

'We love you so much Natalie' Marisa said and kissed my head.

'I know you do but I love you more so I win' I said and winked at Demi.

'Where's Scarlet?' I asked

'Her mum got a job on the other side of the country and wanted to start fresh with her daughter. She told us to you that she loves you and that she'll visit whenever she can but she's gone babe' Demi said and ran her fingers through my hair.

'It's for the best. It wasn't fair for her to have to deal with this. I still have you two and that's all I care about'

'You still have Sky as well' Marisa said with a smile.

'She's a fighter' Demi smiled 'Just like her mum' she added.

That's when I realised who my true family was.

I didn't need Madison or Eddie or Dianna or my real mum in order to have a family.

I just needed Demi and Marisa. And of course my baby girl.


'So.. you're Natalie?' Beatrice Miller asked me.

She was getting Demi to feature on her new single. Marisa had to work and Demi doesn't trust me alone, even though it has been two months since the incident.

'Yup' I said popping the P.

'Don't you have a daughter?' She asked

'Yup' I said popping the P again.

'Where is she?'


'Fair enough'


This was just a little uncomfortable. I left my phone in my room so I couldn't even fake a phone call so I could get out of having to socialise with her, or anyone else.

'Soo I heard you're a lesbain...' She said looking me dead in the eye after a few moments of silence.

'You heard correctly' I replied with a slight smirk

'I am as well' she said and bit her lip. 'Maybe once we're done here, we could go get Starbucks or something?'

'I would but you're Madison's best friend and in case you didn't already know, I already 'stole' Demi away from her. She'd kill me if she found out I went out with you'

'Our friendship ended the second she stated dating my ex boyfriend'

'I thought you were lesbian..'

'I am. I dated a guy a few months back, before I knew I was gay' she explained.

'Well in the case, yes, I will go and get Starbucks with you' I said with a smile.

'I'll go tell Demi to hurry up then' she said with a wink and skipped off down to where Demi was recording the song.


'Do you cut yourself?' Bea asked as soon as we sat down in Starbucks

'What the fuck? Why would you think that?'

'It's all in your eyes. You're constantly fiddling with your sleeves and you always avoid eye contact. It's what I used to do so I guess I can pick up on these sorts of things'

'You.. You used to self harm?'

'Yeah. I'm not proud of it but I did. I'm all good now though' she said with a smile

'I'm proud of you' I said

'You still haven't answered my question..' She pointed out

'Oh sorry.. Um no, I don't cut myself. Never have, never will. I don't really want to go down that road. I'm too scared to do that to myself' I lied and chuckled lightly.

'Here's another thing you might want to know about me. I know when people lie. I won't push, but when you're ready to talk, you should call me. I'm here for you'

Bea wrote her number on my hand, gave me a friendly kiss on the cheek and then left. I guess I pissed her off. I don't know why though. I only met her an hour ago. As if I was going to open up.

It was 4:30, Marisa was home which means I could finally go home.


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