Chapter Six

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'Welcome to your new home!'

Demi had the biggest smile on her face. She seemed so happy and seeing her happy made me happy.

I was happy.

'No you're not. We're the only ones who can make you happy'

'Follow me! I'll show you your room!'

Demi was now talking really loud and skipping up the stairs.

'Demi, you're going to hurt yourself! Be careful' I chuckled

'Hey, I'm the mother here! Don't tell me what to do!'

She poked her tongue out and continued skipping up the stairs.. And then fell.

'Told youuu' I said with a hint of sass. 'Get up momma, I want to see my room!'

Demi jumped up and threw me over her shoulder and ran to my room.

She threw me on the bed, jumped on me and started tickling me.

'Demiiiiiiii stoppppppp!!!'

I was in hysterics and couldn't breathe properly. This is probably the most fun I've had in a while; even though it was only a tickle fight.

Eventually she stopped and let out a sigh.

'What's wrong Dem?' I asked

'Nothing for you to worry about gorgeous. Now, you have two options. One, we watch a movie and snuggle on the couch or two, we can watch a movie in my room and then just fall asleep in there straight after'

I was already tired; I wasn't really in the mood for a movie.

'Can I get a rain check on that? I'm really tired and I just want to sleep'

'Of course but can I sleep with you? I don't want you to spend your first night alone' she smiled hopefully.

My inner fangirl was spazzing out at how cute she was but she's my mum.. I can't think my mum is cute.. That's just creepy.

'Nat?' She asked pulling me out of my thoughts.

'Of course you can' I replied causing Demi to smile

'I'm just going to get changed but before I do that, we have to take a selfie'

'Why?' I chuckled

'So I can post it on twitter so the whole world knows about you' Demi said and kissed my cheek.

We took the photo and she posted it with the caption

'My daughter is beautiful 😝😉😘 @NattttLovato'

'I'm going to get changed' she told me and left my room.

I also got changed and got into bed and slowly started drifting off to sleep until I heard the door open and a tired, makeup free Demi snuggled in next to me.

I could get used to this

'No you can't. Don't get attached. She'll send you back to the care home when she realises how messed up you are'

'Oh fuck off' I muttered under my breath. Luckily for me, Demi was already asleep.


'Nat! Nat! Nat! Nat!'

Demi sounded like an alarm but I couldn't help but laugh.

How could I complain? My idol was waking me up.

'Whattttt?' I groaned. It was so fucking early.

'Marisa is coming home! Get up! Get ready! Let's go! Let's go!'

Why was she being so loud? It's like she wants the whole world to know that she's waking me up to meet Marisa!

Wait.. Marisa? Demi's best friend?

'Oh, and my mom and Dallas are coming over later as well. Then Eddie and Mad will be over for dinner!'

Oh fuck off. Demi is crazy if she think I'm meeting her family and friends on my second day!

I guess Demi could see that I was nervous.

'Baby girl, they'll love you!' She said with a convincing smile

'No they won't. They'll make Demi see how ugly and fat you are. They'll tell her to send you back.'

'Nat?' Demi questioned.


'Are you alright?'

'Yeah' I lied.

I wanted to be alright but when am I ever alright?

Me feeling alright is like Miley Cyrus wearing a decent amount of clothes.

It rarely happens.

'Don't lie.. Talk to me. What's going on in the pretty little head of yours?'

Is it weird that I trusted her?

I've always dreamed of opening up to Demi. Now I finally have the opportunity.

That's when it hit me. Demi Lovato adopted me. Demi Lovato cared about me. Demi Lovato wanted me to open up to her.

Why the fuck did she choose me though?

I'm nothing but a worthless, self harming, suicidal lesbian with an eating disorder. Why was I chosen by Demi? I don't deserve her! I don't deserve anything!

'I should be dead' I accidentally muttered out loud

'Nat, baby, no you shouldn't be dead. Don't say that'

Demi's eyes started to tear up. She wrapped her arms around me.

'What haven't you told me?'

I squirmed out of her arms and turned and faced her. I inhaled deeply. This was it, I was going to tell her.

'I self harm.. And I have a problem with food'

Just as I said it, the door bell rang.

Marisa was home.

Wait, home? Did Demi say she's coming home?

'Dose Marisa live here?' I asked

'She sure does baby girl. Look, I have to go let here in but we're going to talk about what you just told me later. Get dressed'

Demi stood up and kissed my head before running out my bedroom door and down the stairs.

'Don't fall!' I yelled after her just before I heard a thud.

'I'm alright!' She yelled back causing me to laugh.

That laugh quickly came to a stop when the voices started communicating with me again.

'She doesn't even care that you cut yourself. Why did you even tell her? You're a fucking idiot. Just kill yourself'

I pushed them aside and got myself ready to meet Marisa and the rest of Demi's family. Well, my family.. Our family.

That sounds so weird. 'Our family'. I have a family..

'Not for long. Demi will send you back to the care home soon enough'


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