Chapter Sixteen

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I was woken up by Scarlet's soft kisses all over my neck and I must say, it's a pretty fucking good way to be woken up.

'We have school today, you know that right?' She asked me once she saw I saw was awake.

'Just cause we have it doesn't mean we have to go' I said and wink and kissed her lips.

'I'm gonna shower. Ask Dem where the food is'

'We're leaving in like twenty minutes so be quick. I need to shower as well'

'Shower with me?' I asked which caused a smirk to appear on her lips.

'No inappropriate behaviour!' Demi yelled from the kitchen.

'I'll go make you breakfast. Don't be too long'


'Have a good day girls' Demi said as we pulled up in front of the school.

'Do we have to go? You can always say we're sick...'

I really didn't want to go. I don't want to be beaten up again.

'I could say you're sick but I can't say Scarlet's sick because I'm not her mother. And before you ask, no I won't say you're sick because that would be lying and lying would be setting a bad example. You are going to go to all of your classes and you are going to have your girlfriend by your side the whole day so quit complaining and go before you're late'


'No buts! Listen to your mother and get inside before I pick you up and carry you in' Marisa said

'You wouldn't be able to carry me' I mumbled to myself

'Natalie don't say that baby' Demi said and gave me a sympathetic smile.

'Have a good day'

'Bye Demi, bye Marisa' I sighed and got out of the car.

'Bye girls' they said together

'Scarlet!' Marisa called 'Make sure she eats lunch and goes to class'

'Don't worry, I will'

Scarlet and I walked into school with at least an inch between us.

It felt weird not holding her hand.. It took everything in me not to slam her against the lockers and kiss her.

I felt my phone buzz.

Demi's probably making sure I'm still in the school grounds.

From: My Girl 💕

Bathroom. Now.

I went to look at Scarlet but she was already heading towards to bathroom.


'What's up?' I asked

'Are we going to tell people?'


'Are we telling people we're together?'

I thought about it for a second.

'Let them figure it out on their own' I replied with a smile

'How do you suggest we do that?'

'Well, with your permission, I would like to hold your hand when we walk and I would like to be able to kiss you whenever I want' I said

'You want to kiss me whenever you want?'

I nodded my head and bit my lip to stop a smirk.

'And when do you think you would want to kiss me?'

'Now' I said staring at the lips that I so badly wanted back on my neck.

Without thinking, I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her body into mine and kissed her but she pulled away as soon as our lips met.

'You didn't eat this morning so no kisses for you'

'Thats not fairrrr' I wined

'And you think watching the person you love try and starve themselves is?'

I looked down and guilt washed over me.

'I'm sorry...' I said, still looking down.

She pecked my cheek and took my hand.

'You're eating lunch. No exceptions' she said firmly

'I love you' I whispered as we walked to our fist class

'I love you more' she said without whispering.

I smiled and kissed her cheek and rested my head on her shoulder.

Some people from our class turned and looked at us when she said that she loved me but I don't think either of us cared.

I love her and I'm glad people know she's mine.


'Hey Natalie!' Tash said and hugged me and sat down next to me.

Scarlet wasn't in my math class but oh how I wish she was.

'So apparently you and Scarlet are a thing now!' She chirped.

'Why do you care?'

'I think you should know that she doesn't love you. She doesn't care about you at all. She's just hanging out with you so she can get closer to Demi.'

'Yeah, okay. Take you're shit else where'

I picked up my books and went and sat somewhere else.

'Natalie don't be mad at me. It's not my fault your slut of a girlfriend is using you to get close to your emo freak of a mother'

'What did you say?' I asked and walked back over to her.

'I called your girlfriend a slut and your mother a freak'

'Take it back' I hissed and grabbed her by the collar of her shirt.

'Take what back? It isn't my fault Scarlet sleeps around with everyone'

The grip I had on her collar tightened and I pushed her against the wall.

'Take it back!' I screamed

'Is Demi still cutting? Be sure to tell her to go really deep. That's the best way to kill yourself. But I guess you'd already know that, your older sister probably gave you some tips'

Once she said that, I punched her.

'Don't you ever bring her up again!' I yelled

'Scarlet doesn't love you. Neither does Demi. No one loves you. You're fat. Just follow in your sister footsteps and kill yourself.' She said with a smile.

I punched her again, and again, and again.

'I hate you! I hate you so much!'

I kept punching her until the teacher decided to finally show up.

I felt someone's arms wrap around my waist and rip me off of Tash and pull me put of the classroom.


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