Chapter Twenty-Seven

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'Why are you in my house?' Demi spat at Wilmer.

'I want to see my daughter'

'Are you fucking kidding me? She's not your fucking daughter! You're dreaming you think I'd ever let you near that little girl!' I hissed

'If she isn't mine, whose is she?' He asked with a smirk.

'You may be blood related but you are not her father. We have all the paper work so show that you are nothing to her!' I hissed once again.

'Where is she?'

'With my biological mother. We're getting her tomorrow'

Wilmer smirked and then I heard a faint cry come from outside.

That wasn't just any ordinary cry though. It was Sky.

I ran outside and saw my mother holding my baby in her arms and my sisters hand.

'How the fuck did you find me?' I asked.

'I want to keep her' she calmly said

'Fuck off. She's mine' I spat

'Natalie!' Ruby cheered

'Shut up' I harshly said 'Give me Sky or I'll call the police'

'Call the police on your own mother? Why would you threaten to do that?' She asked sounding hurt.

'You're not my mum' I said and took Sky out of her arms.

Demi, Marisa and Wilmer were all outside standing behind me as well as three police cars in front of the house.

'What the fuck is going on?' I murmured to myself.

A police women came over to me and some others went over to Demi and everyone else.

'I just wanted to see my daughter!' Kathrin innocently told the women.

'So did I' Wilmer added as he walked over and patted Sky's head as if she was a dog.

'Don't touch her you disgusting mother fucker. Neither of you have daughters here!' I screamed and then blacked out.


'Demi' I sobbed

'I'm here babe' she said and rubbed circles on my back.

We were sitting in the waiting room at a police station.

It was bringing back so many memories from when my dad got arrested.

I was just happy that this time I had Demi with me.

'Natalie, can I talk to you?' The police women asked with a sweet smile.

'Can my mum come?' I asked, clinging onto Demi's jacket as if my life depended on it.

'I won't bite' she sweetly said.

I nodded my head and let go of Demi.

'I'll see you soon my darling girl' Demi said and kissed my cheek.

'So how is it living with a celebrity?' The interviewer asked me

'Normal. I guess I'm used to it' I awkwardly said

'My name is Kate by the way'

'I'm Nat'

'I know' she said with yet another sweet smile.

'Can I ask you some questions?'

'Sure thing'

'Ok, so can you tell me about your relationship with Wilmer Valderrama?'

'Um he used to live in the same house as me because he was Dem's boyfriend. He raped me and when Demi found out she kicked him out and ended her relationship with him. One of those rapes ended in me being pregnant and now I have a daughter'

'She's a little cutie' Kate said with another fucking smile which I weakly returned.

'And your mother, Kathrin. What happened there?'

'She's not my mother. Demi is. Kathrin isn't anything to me' I said emotionlessly.

'How did she end up with possession of Sky today?'

'She picked her up from the daycare she goes to. I believe she told the workers there that she was my mum and that she had permission. Then later she showed up at my house with Sky and told me she wanted to keep her. I told her to fuck off and then next thing I knew, there were three police cars outside my house and I don't even know why'

'Wilmer threatened to stab Demi's friend.. That's why the police were there. No one knew about the child abduction until we saw your discomfort with the women you were talking to'

'First of all, she's not Demi's friend. She's Demi's girlfriend. Second of all, she has a name. She's Marisa. Thirdly, if you don't know mind I have some questions of my own. First- Where is Marisa now? Second- Is Wilmer in jail Third- Can I please press charges against Kathrin Connor for 'abducting' my daughter?'


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