Chapter Twenty

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'What the fuck?' Scarlet yelled 'What the hell did you do?!' 'I can't believe you cheated on me!'

'I swear I didn't do anything! I don't know how this happened!'

'Wilmer..' Marisa said, more to herself than anyone else

'Who's Wilmer?' Scarlet asked, her voice softening

'Demi's ex. He raped me and I guess got me pregnant'

'Oh my god baby I'm sorry I yelled at you'

I started crying.

'Demi' I sobbed, begging for her to hold me. 'I'm fourteen! I can't be pregnant!'

'Baby it's okay. We're all here for you'

She wrapped her arms around me and picked me up.

'Come on, I'm not waiting for him to come back. We're going to him'

Demi carried me out of the hospital room, with Scarlet and Marisa following behind and we went and got the date from the doctor.

'See you in three weeks' he chirped.


'Do you want a boy or a girl?' Marisa asked on the way home from the hospital.

'Neither' I replied with no emotion in my voice.

'Babe, whether you like it or not, you're going to have a baby..' Scarlet said and rested her hand on my knee.

'I'm fourteen' I sobbed and collapsed back into Demi's arms.

'It's going to be okay. We're all going to help you get through this. You're my little warrior, you'll be okay baby girl' Demi said and started rubbing circles on my back.

Once we got home, Demi carried me inside and we all went and sat in the lounge room.

'Now be serious, boy or girl?' Demi asked once I calmed down.

'I don't know.. A girl a guess. Keep the house a girl house' I said with a smile.

'No boys' I said and looked at Demi.

'No need to worry about that baby' she said and smirked at Marisa

'Wait, what?' I asked

'Didn't we tell you?' Marisa sarcastically asked

'Are you two together?' I asked in shock

'Maybe, maybe not' Demi said

'Stop the shit! Are you together?' I asked with a massive smile.

'Yes baby, they're together' Scarlet said, pulling me into her lap

'About fucking time' I said and rested my head on Scarlet's shoulder.


'Dinners ready' Scarlet whispered, waking me up from a sleep.

'I'm not hungry' I lied

'You might not be, but the baby will be so come on'

I started crying again. Not so I could get out of eating dinner, I was crying because I was pregnant. Fourteen fucking years old and I was pregnant because I was raped.

Demi came into the lounge room and picked me up again and carried me into her room.

'I know this is hard for you' she said quietly. 'But like I said before, you'll get through it. I'm going to be here every step of the way. You're my warrior and I love you'

'I can't deal with this Demi. I can't do it' I sobbed

'Close your eyes baby girl. Go to sleep' she said and started running her fingers through my hair.

She always did that when I was upset. She knew it calmed me down.

'Can you stay?' I asked quietly.

'Of course I can' she replied and kissed my cheek. 'I'll just text Marisa and get her to bring dinner to us'

'I don't want to eat' I said 'I'm fat enough' I added

'You may not want the food but your baby needs it so you have to eat'

'This is going to be a hard nine months' I said

'I know baby but you've got your amazingly wonderful mother, you've got you're amazingly wonderful mother's amazingly wonderful girlfriend, and you've got your own amazingly wonderful girlfriend all living under the same roof as you, and if you ask me, that's pretty amazingly wonderful' she said with heart warming.

I loved it when Demi said shit like that. She always knew how to make me laugh.

'I love you momma'

Demi smiled and wrapped her arms protectively around my waist.

'I love you so so much more'

'I'm going to sleep now' I said and turned to face Demi so I could hold her.

'Goodnight baby girl' she said and kissed my head like she always does.


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