Chapter Thirty-Seven

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It's been a month since Marisa died. I miss her so much.

I'm sixteen now.

Demi and Marisa both planed a big birthday party but I didn't want it.

Why would I want to celebrate my birthday just weeks after watching someone I loved get killed?

What makes this situation more messed up is Wilmer lied and said Marisa killed herself. He keeps saying she couldn't bare to live a life watching her best friend be with someone other that her but it isn't true.

I saw Wilmer murder Marisa with my own two eyes.

In a way I guess I'm glad Marisa doesn't have to watch Wilmer destroy Demi's life and family.

I needed Kenzie. I hadn't spoken to her in over two months. She probably hates me but I need her.

To: Kenzie 💕

Can you come over. I really need to see you 😥❤️

From: Kenzie 💕

Hey there stranger. I was starting to worry. I'll be over there soon baby 😘 I can't wait to see your pretty face again 😉❤️


'Natalie! Kenzie's here!' Demi said.

It's the first thing she's said to me in weeks.

She's been so busy with Wilmer and Sky. I miss her.

I forgot to mention what happened with Sky.

Wilmer and Demi have legally put her under their name. She's no longer my daughter. I'm also legally under Wilmer's name.

Wilmer and Demi are my mum and dad and Sky is my sister.

I hate it.

I fucking hate it.

'Hey beautiful' Kenzie said as she entered my room. 'Baby, have you been crying?' She asked and wiped away some tears.

'Marisa.. She's dead' I said and snuggled into her chest.

'Aww baby I'm sorry. What happened?'

'You can't tell anyone' I told her.

'Doesn't everyone already know?'

'They know she's dead.. They don't know how. Only me and Wilmer know but he doesn't know I know'

'What are you talking about?'

'Wilmer killed her but he's telling everyone she killed herself. Kenzie, I saw him do it. I saw him murder her' I said and started crying.

'How did you see it? What happened?' She asked and started drawing circles on my back.

'She called me and she said 'Something terrible is going to happen.' She was so scared. I could hear it in her voice.

'Soon I'll be nothing but a memory.. Natalie he's going to kill me. I knew he would. He told me that if I ever went near Demi he'd kill me. I thought he would be locked up for good after what he did to you but he wasn't. He's going to find me Nat and he's going to kill me.' She was crying. I knew she was. I didn't know what she was talking about but I wanted to protect her.

'Marisa were are you?' I asked her. I knew she wouldn't tell me but I asked her anyway.

'Whatever you do, don't leave the house! Stay there with Demi! Don't tell anyone I called you, okay? I love you all so much. Protect Sky. Don't ever let anyone hurt her. Stay strong.. Don't give up. Don't leave Sky. Ever. She needs you more than ever now that he's living in the house' Marisa said 'Stay Strong. I love you Natalie' and with that, she suddenly hung up.

She didn't answer my texts or calls. I needed to see her.

I went outside and began running.

I ran to Marisa's house and I couldn't believe what I saw. I was frozen. I wanted to help her but I couldn't.

She was screaming and begging him to stop but he didn't. He held the gun to her head and said 'You have a choice. I can either kill you or I can kill that orphan kid that you and Demi so dearly love.'

Marisa stopped fighting and calmly made her choice.

'Kill me. But once you do, you can never, ever, hurt Nat or Sky and you're to treat Demi with nothing but respect. Understand?'

He smiled and nodded his head.

'Any last words?' He asked and loaded his gun.

'Fuck you, mother fucker'

He pulled the trigger.

He pulled the fucking trigger and he killed her.

Right in front of my eyes'

Once I finished explaining, I was in tears.

The scenery was still fresh in my mind.

'Natalie you have to go to the police!'

'I can't. I'm scarred he'll kill me if I do'

'You need to get Sky right now and you have to pack a few things and you're going to come and live with me and my aunty. You can't live here and neither can Sky. It's not safe'

'What about Demi?' I sobbed.

'I have an idea. Just trust me'


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