Chapter Nine

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Af.ter Kaito left, Aoi started to grab her bag with supplies in it "Class is about to start."

Yuzu looked at the clock and grabbed her bag which was ready and prepared "Okay." she looked over to Mei "You coming?"

Mei shook her head "No, I'm not. But it would be nice to have some company." she laid down on her bed, staring out into the ceiling.

"On the first day?" Aoi asked.

"Mhm. That's my plan." Mei replied.

Yuzu looked over at Aoi who didn't like to get in trouble and sighed, fluffing up her hair "Sure, I'll stay. Aoi, you go ahead."

Tomorrow will be a Saturday, no biggie. I hate college anyways.

Aoi nodded, opening the door then turning around to wave goodbye.

Yuzu headed over to the couch which was pretty long and laid down with her arms behind her head "Soo... what do you wanna do?"

Mei yawned "Nothing, I just want to sleep." she pushed her knees just below her chin and closed her eyes.

It was silent again like before and they both could hear each other's breathing which Mei thought was relaxing since it was peaceful and quiet.

She shut her eyes, hoping to get some sleep but images popped up.

Ones that she didn't want to remember or see.

She kept rolling around in bed, becoming sweaty and hot.

Mei started to gasp for air Geez, please let me get some sleep!

She turned to face the ceiling again, a hand over her forehead and she breathed for air, her hands sweaty and her forehead having a feverish temperature.

Then she felt a hand moved the arm that rested on her forehead to her sides.

Mei felt a warm hand over her forehead and a figure hover over her.

"Who..." The sight in front of her became blurry before she passed out in bed.


Yuzu moved the arm over Mei's forehead and placed her own hand on her forehead instead.

Does she have a fever?

"Who..." Mei called out of a sudden then she shut her eyes, breathing slowly, not finishing the sentence.

Yuzu removed her hand, covering her mouth "She just passed out! WhatshouldIdo?!"

First thing, she rushed to get a towel to remove all of her sweat and another one which was warm for her forehead.

Yuzu placed the warm towel on Mei's forehead first and she held the dry towel in her other hand.

Mei was sweating like crazy, breathing heavily this time.

Good thing she's wearing shorts.

She placed the dry towel on her leg, starting from the bottom and moving up from there.

She rubbed Mei's leg with the towel and slowly moved up as the towel collected the sweat dripping down from her body.

Once she was done, she repeated the same with the other leg, starting from the bottom then moving up.

Then Yuzu moved the towel to her arms, doing the same as what she did as the leg.

Only when she reached her under forearm, she heard a noise from Mei:


She's probably ticklish there.

Yuzu repeated the same to the other arm and had the same results.

Then she moved to the middle which was her chest and neck.

"I really am going to get in trouble.." she muttered as she placed the towel which was soaked with sweat on her neck and patted it all around until she circled back.

Mei didn't look so bad anymore.

She was sleeping quietly and Yuzu thought it was adorable for some reason.

Yuzu looked at the last place soaked with sweat was her chest.

She gulped and placed the towel just above her cleavage then instantly removed it.

Yuzu let a sigh of relief, leaning in closer to examine if she was still passed out or sleeping but regret the movement since Mei twitched her mouth a little then wrapped her arms around Yuzu's neck, turning to the side as the wet towel fell off her forehead.

Once she turned over, Yuzu turned with her too, now facing her sleeping face.

She could smell the sweet flowery scent coming off her and liked the scent.

"Mmhn." Mei wrapped her legs in between Yuzu's legs making her widen her eyes in surprise.

Does she think I'm a body pillow?!

Their faces were inches apart, just a little closer and their lips would meet each other's.

Mei wrapped her arms around Yuzu tighter unconsciously but not tight enough that she could choke.

Yuzu sighed and decided to keep still since it was actually comfortable.

She closed her eyes, breathing small so she wouldn't wake up sleeping beauty.

What... have I gotten myself into? was all Yuzu could think before she drifted to sleep...

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