Chapter Thirty Four

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Yuzu scurried over to Aki, her fingers tangling through her hair.

Adrenaline pumped throughout her body, exciting herself more.

She loved the feeling of suspense as of right now.

But behind the suspenseful feeling was;

Where the hell is Aoi?

Already near Aki, she swiftly walked over, standing behind her and bent down until Yuzu was at Aki's shoulder level, placing both of her hands onto Aki's shoulders and simply whispered;


Aki gasped, her shoulders flinching from the touch of Yuzu's slender fingers.


Then a girl who sat across from Aki, stepped in, noticing the situation "Who is this?"

"My... partner from my room.." replied Aki, shivering. The feeling of Yuzu's fingers... sent chills down her whole body.

Yuzu smiled kindly then held Aki's arm, pulling her up, whispering "You seem lonely."

Aki widened her eyes before her whole body relaxing and opened her mouth to say "Oh no, I'm not-"

Cutting her off, someone from behind cleared his throat- yes it was a male's voice.

Yuzu's First POV

I turned around, seeing a tall, broad shouldered guy with brown, short hair standing in my sight, just a few feet away from me.

"Can you get away from my girlfriend?" said the dude.

I laughed, letting her go "Sure, sure."

He walked over to Aki, touching her arm to see if she was 'alright'.

She flinched but didn't pull away.

I clicked my tongue silently, observing the relationship they had.

They didn't seem to have a perfect one, that's for sure.

She seemed very uncomfortable around him while he thought they had the perfect relationship. How stupid. I wasn't that smart but smart enough to see through them.

I reached over to Aki, intertwining our fingers together and pulled her to my chest "She's going to have to come with me."

I could say I forgot about Mei and the rest and I was sure they were watching me. And now, sure, you can say that Kagaya Aki hates me now. Already from the second we met.

"Excuse me?"

I slightly smile at his and her friends' shocked expressions "Right, currently she doesn't feel comfortable with you."

"What?!" he looked at Aki who was hiding her face behind a black cap I didn't even see before. Gotta say, it matched with her outfit. Mad? Furious, I should say. His face is red, beet-red and the second before, he looked all normal.

Aki gently pushed me away, her breathing heavy along her face flushed.

The boyfriend walks over to us, forcefully grabbing Aki's wrist and pulled her away from me, growling "You're going to have to come with me."

Aki winces, her breathing unsteady. She looked like a mess, her baggy white shirt and her short jeans were wrinkled. The hat on her head was nearly falling off. Her braided hair was a huge mess. Yes, I did mention she was flushed and flustered. Fairly convinced she was dying of embarrassment.

I stomp (GENTLY!) over and grab Aki's wrist that was opposite of the her other one "Nuh-uh. She's going with me."

'Ex boyfriend' looks over at Aki, looking for a approval from her for her to go with him but all he sees is a shake of a head.

He releases his firm grip on her wrist. I see a visible mark on the wrist he had just held, making me angry. Aki's been enduring the pain for aloooong time now and I'm not sure how much times I've praised her this second.

I thought like B*tch, I won. You can leave. But then he raises his hand, gritting his teeth at the same moment, making me widen my eyes in surprise.

My back was faced towards Mei, Harumin and Matsuri so I didn't know if they were watching but all I knew was that they weren't going to reach me.

Aki is as surprised as me and squeaked softly as soon as she sees the hand aiming straight for her.

But I stood there, standing still, not doing anything.


Because, someone had already beat me.

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