Chapter Twenty-Eight

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so much cliches, sorry ;(

"We will be going to Okinawa in three days and will be staying there for a total of 5 days as a reward to all students. Other universities will be coming with us as well." said Yuzu's professor... (or should I say hina-sensei? sorry wrong fandom lol)

There were cheers from the back of the classroom before the professor glared at them and continued "We will be pairing up students here with other universities students..."

There were even more cheers before the teacher smugly smirked "Girls will be paired up with girls and boys will be paired up with boys."

The cheers died down.

Yuzu sighed, resting her head in her desk, thinking to herself.

Like I'll get paired up with Aihara-san or Aoi...

Other universities, eh? Might get lucky enough to get a room with Harumin or Matsuri.

~At their dorms (nothing to do in classes so..)

"I'm very sorry!" Yuzu bowed to Mei who was crossing her legs, looking at the sorry girl.


"I really am.. I'll do anything for your acceptance!" said Yuzu slowly, still bowing to her.

"Anything?" said Mei, laughing in her mind that she was now in charge.

Yuzu bent up, nodding.

"Hmm..." Mei uncrossed her legs then crossed them the other way and brought up her index finger to her cheek "..."

"What?" as Mei tapped her cheek with her index finger.

Mei let out a breath, dropping her finger "Nevermind. You're forgiven."

Huh, what did she want me to do?

She got up and walked to the bathroom silently, leaving Yuzu puzzled.

What? I'm confused...

She thought to herself, thinking hard, still not getting it.


Mei had her back against the closed bathroom door, covering her mouth with a hand.

Her hand was shaking.

"What has gotten into me?"


"Haah!" Aoi blurted, drinking a can of beer "Nothing is better than a can of beer after a hard day of classes and work!"

Yuzu nervously laughed, trying to grab the can out of her hand "Heh, that's enough for you.."

The three girls were sitting on the floor around the table, enjoying themselves.

Aoi's love for beer is unknown.

Mei was sitting there, reading a book with glasses on.

Aoi grabbed the remote and turned it on to the news channel "There's been a lot of break-ins this week, hasn't there? Some murder also..."

Mei nodded, not listening.

Aoi cheekily smiled and turned to Mei, pointing a finger at her drunk "You look like the boy version of Sakamoto!"

Surprisingly Mei knew who that was and turned pink from being embarrassed "I-I do not!" and took off her glasses, glaring at Aoi who burst out laughing.

Yuzu smiled, seeing how they teased each other and closed her eyes.

"So.. how excited are you guys for the trip to Okinawa?" said Aoi, taking a sip of the can.

"Pretty excited!" "Not at all..."

Mei placed down her book "You guys should be getting ready."

"Okay.." Yuzu nodded in agreement and started to get up.

"I'll pack for this lazy, drunk girl..." Mei muttered.

"Heeeey!" whined Aoi.

Yuzu giggled and went to her dresser full of clothes.

She was having so much fun...

She didn't know how a person like Mei and her family could do much harm...

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