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Sinister POV

I'm driving home after I spent the night at the club with Stephano uncle Asher's son, I headed home and came across a red light.

Usually I would go on a red light but this time I couldn't since the lanes were crowded with cars and the car was in front of me.

So I had no other choice but to wait impatiently.

Hurry the fuck up I don't have all night

The light finally went green and all the cars flew off, leaving me stuck behind one, that wouldn't move I beeped and the car reversed so hard smashing the front of my car.

I jumped out of my car pissed, I stomped to the other car and a girl came out.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry" I cut her off

"The fuck why did you reverse!" I shout my voice echoing through the empty streets of New York

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to"

"Didn't mean too, my whole fucking car is smashed from the front" I snapped

True I have enough money to buy mansions but this is my favourite car Audi R8 and I wasn't going to let it go to waste.

"I'm truly sorry, I'll pay as much as you want" she looked stressed.

I roared in laughter of her thinking she can afford this.

"This car isn't a dollar like yours it's worth more than your life" I growl my voice ringing in  the empty streets.

"It wasn't my fault that my car was out of control"she screamed her eyes watering.

Anger flew through me looking at my favourite car destroyed.

Your fucking taking this shit too much

Then she took another look at my car and gasped at the damage she did to my million dollar car.

Yeah bitch

I gripped the pistol in the pocket of my leather jacket.

I had to remind myself that she was a woman before I do something stupid then loosened the grip on the pistol.

Well if it was a man he'd be dead already but I was trying to hold it all in, the anger.

"Sir, I'll do anything" she said tugging at her hair to the cause of damage she made.

From the inside I laughed at myself for making it a big deal well not so big.

"There's nothing you can do, you can't fix the car can you?" I responded roughly

"I'm trying to be polite and see what I can do, I'm not someone who is rich and can afford these cars, I just want to help with what I have" she screams then lowers her voice.

Feisty bitch

Only if she knew who she was dealing with

Due to the dim lights of the streets I couldn't see her face until she stepped forward, she was hot.

"Your lucky I'm not doing shit because I have other cars"

"I'll pay anything"

"Your wasting my time" I growl and she puffed

My phone rang

Sinister ✔️Mafia Series: 2Where stories live. Discover now