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Natalia POV

I woke up in my bed for the first time.

It felt like heaven, I missed my soft bed with the huge pillows.

I was waken by the sunlight shining through the curtains, something I haven't experienced in a while, since I was locked in the cells.

I get up and smile, why? Because your bitch is back homeeee.

I walk into the bathroom and see my make up is left the same way it was last night.

Then I remember everything.

I knew someone was in my house, in particular, one of Satans men.

I don't know what he was doing but I'm sure his with sinister telling him about me.

But I don't care, I'm happy now and I want my life to stay like this, I'll get my job back and continue like this.

Am I still inlove with a handsome psycho murderer? Yes, and it kills me.

The worst part is that.......

I lost something I never had.....yet it hurts just as bad.

I wash my face and take a shower, soon I dry myself up and get dressed.

I'm going to find a new job and I hope it goes well.

But I can't stop my thoughts from thinking about stephano.

I miss him so much even thought it's been a day, we were both hurt.

And everything he said yesterday, killed me, I did cry and shit but I should get over it.

There's times that your sick of yourself and you say "stop crying, your so annoying, don't let shit come in your way, you are your own fucking queen"

And yes I said that to myself today.

I lock my door and get into my car.

Ughh the memories

I remember the night, I crashed into Satan- Sinister, he was so mean and cruel.

My car was still damaged from the back, and it wasn't nice.

I sigh and  get in, I need to move on and forget my past life.

I find a place which looks like a business for designers.

I walk in for an appointment,

The place seemed weird and quiet, too quiet.

Then a lady appears infront of me.

She was so pretty, she was dressed similar as me, in a black pencil skirt with a white blouse.

"How may I help you?"  She asks with a smile.

"I'm looking for a job" I sound so dumb.

"Come with me then" she smiles and leads me to an office where the manager is.

It was so boring, we talked about many things and why I should get this job, but I answered them all.

My work starts tomorrow and I hope it goes well.

I know many will think, why would I get a job so quickly? To get rid of my memories and move on faster.

I go home and throw my bag on the couch and walk to my room.

As I walked passed my bed something caught my eye, it was a man in a suit.

Satans men

I grab a knife and walk outside.

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