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Natalia POV

I woke up in my bed, with my head aching, I must of hit it hard.

I had the most awful dream, I was accused of being a prostitute, I was tired and still needed sleep but I forced myself out of bed.

I looked at my reflection and gasped.

"It was real" my hair was messed up a bit, and I was still in the same dress and my heels were across from the room.

How did I get here?

That guy!

He was the guy I crashed his car, oh no.

I went to the bathroom and showered, when I finished I dried myself up then saw a bandaid on my arm, and that's when it hit me.


I need to tell the police

I left my hair down, and changed into a pair of jeans and a t shirt.

I felt as if I was being followed or watched but I shook it off.

As soon as I was about to walk in, I got pulled to the side and my head covered with a bag.

A needle was put into me and I felt my self weakening and fell asleep.

Sinister POV

"Boss she's going to the police" one of my man called.

"Get her here and make sure she doesn't do shit" I shut the phone.

"It's her the same bitch, she's going to the cops" I say to Stephano.

"She has a gut to do that shit" he says and I shrug.

Soon they came and put her in the questioning room.

Stephano and one of my guards were standing behind me.

She finally woke up.

"YOU CANT JUST-" I cover her mouth with my hand, feeling her plump lips against my skin.

"Leave me alone I'm going to the police!" She gets up and looks back at me.

"First of all, where am I, and who the hell are you?, you really have some nerve doing this shit to a girl"

"You don't want to know" I furrow my brows at her.

"I don't care who you are just let me go" she narrows her eyes

"You can't go to the cops" I grit my teeth

"Well I am wether you like it or not! "

She's so annoying

"You can't say anything about yesterday or we will have to kill you" I simply respond and she laughs.

"Kill me" she laughs, she really thinks I'm lying.

"Ora I ragazzi si lasciano giocare, in realtà non la feriscono, la spaventano" (Let's play boys, don't actually kill her it's just to scare her) I say to them.

"Kill her" I smirk at her, then Stephano and the guy lift their pistols and aim it at her head.


Their pistols were still trained on her.

"Lower the weapons" I order and they lower it.

"Who are you?" She says as her eyes water.

"I have a million eyes, I see but cannot be seen, I'm looked for but cannot be found, I command and you obey" I walk to her, my body towering over her, then she falls onto a chair in a sitting position.


I put my hands on the arms of the chair and look in her blue eyes.

"I don't think your going anywhere without my command" I say and her eyes lock with mine, then down to my chest and back up to my face.

Natalia POV

He walked towards me with his tall body like a tower , until I fell on to the chair.

His arms grip the arms of the chair, his face away from mine by inches.

He may be the hottest man I have seen in my life, his tan skin, his green eyes ringed with a dark blue, his plump lips, he was hot.

Stop thinking like that Natalia

"I don't think your going anywhere without my command" he simply says while his eyes lock with mine.

I almost lost focus about what we were talking about just by looking at him.

Stop. Looking

He's a crazy ass man I not gonna think that way

He was just a sexy bastard in front of me

From this moment I knew my life would change forever and there was no going back.

He was apart of a gang.


MAFIA* NOT GANG NATALIA, she doesn't know who he is......yet.

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