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Sinister? (Satan)
Stephano? (Bestfriend)
Natalia? (Bad bitch)
Trevor? (Dad)


Natalia POV

For the first time in so long I'm happy, why? Because I'm going to the bar to get drunk and rid of my thoughts.

Satan actually let me go to the bar, maybe because he was going with me, whatever I don't care, asking as I get drunk.

Stephano wasn't there, he's so busy now and I don't know why, maybe he's seeing a girl or it's just business.

Taking my thoughts back to Satan I have to admit, my feelings have grown for him, like a lot, I don't want to like him, but I do.

He never shows kindness or anything good, he never has and I still manage to like him,

I know my feelings will get bigger day by day, and he will crush it, I do hate him for having me in the cells, and giving me disgusting food.

And I can't forget the time he tortured someone infront of me.

It killed me

Besides that the other times were alright.

Like when he threw me into the pool and we were laughing, the time we were arguing and I got the gun to my head then he pulled me into a hug.

To prevent me from killing myself.

Suicidal much Natalia?

Shut up

Also the time him and stephano were fighting, he pushed me into the floor which had all the shattered glass pieces.

That night he helped me. We can't forget that, after that everything stopped I always curse him out and was annoying until he put me in the cells.

It changed me now I'm gone, the light in me, the laughs smiles, smirks, the sarcasm.

It started to become dark, cold, screams, cries, tears, hate and regret.

I have to admit that Satan hasn't made me cry in a while, but I know he will soon.

Everything just stopped, but today I was going to the bar, I was happy to go because I do need a drink.

I want stephano to come.

Once I finished getting ready we got in the SUV and drove off.

Once we arrived I ran out and inside the bar, I ordered strong drinks.

"Here" the bartender hands me the drink and I thank him, I took one sip and that burn hit my throat, but I loved it.

The burn was my favourite.

After multiple cups my mind was somewhere else, I felt dizzy, the bartender frowned at me for all the drinks but I didn't care.

I sat and waited, for what? Nothing, I'm just dumb.

I saw a phone stuffed it the bartenders pocket so I decided to ask.

"Can I use your phone?"


"I need to call a friend, please" I beg as I felt stings in my eyes, tears were forming.

He handed me his phone and I dial Stephanie number, soon he answers.


"Stephano" I sob, I'm having a hard time living like this so why not just cry?.

"Natalia? Are you okay?"his voice is laced with worry.

"No, please can you take me to my home, I can't live like this anymore, I-i feel like I'm going to die" I cry through the phone.

"I'm on my way"and the line went dead, just like my heart.

I waited but he wasn't here soon.

I  wobble to the bathroom, before I could reach for the door, I see Satan, drunk.

"Why are you crying" he laughs

Yep, fucking laughs the bastard.

"Get out of my way" I try to push him but I'm too weak.

His going to make you cry

"You can't even, your soon going to collapse" he laughs

"Go away!" I cry

"Natalia" he warns

"You fucking bastard!" I punch his chest as hard as I can.

He grabs my wrists and pins me to the wall.

"Stop being a bitch" he whispers in my ear.


"I don't care, you sure look hot tonight" he looks at my body.

"Move!" I cry.


"Please let me go!" He takes a second and steps back, he realises what he's doing and backs off.

I sigh, and wipe my tears.

"Your a monster!" I snap at him

Wrong choice

You always have something to say

He turns back within a second and his eyes are so much darker.

"Your right, I am" he smirks looking at me.

"I hate you!" I cry again

Stop crying

You know that ain't true

We sat and talked about so many things, and Satan was what I thought, he was a broken boy inside but his heart was just pure black.

Soon we fell asleep in our drunkness, let's just say that added to my feelings that I really do like him, but that's to small to say.

I can't say love, because that one thing for sure I know he will never feel.

He cant love.

Sinister ✔️Mafia Series: 2Where stories live. Discover now